Things Keep Getting Worse For Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Remake

Ever since the remake for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was first announced during the Ubisoft Forward event late last year, players have been waiting in anticipation to relive the magic of the dagger-wielding Prince and the ability to bend time to his will. With this bit of recent news, however, it seems that the project may be lost to those sands of time.


On February 5, the official Prince of Persia Twitter account posted a message from the development team about a delay. The announcement read, "[W]e have made the decision to shift the release for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake to a later date." The reason for this delay is to "deliver a remake that feels fresh while remaining faithful to the original."

The announcement makes no mention of a new launch window, so this delay is indefinite and yet another hit to Ubisoft's announced lineup. Far Cry 6 was originally slated to release in February 2021, but that — along with Rainbow Six: Quarantine – has also been delayed.

The effects of 2020 and the events in the world are still making their impact in the new year and have played a major part in these delays. With many companies working remotely and not having daily access to the usual resources, big-name titles such as Halo: Infinite and — most notably – Cyberpunk 2077 have faced major delays that have impacted development.


The original Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was released in 2003 and tells a story — quite literally thanks to the narration from the Prince himself — of the titular Prince and his father as they travel to India and the recently discovered Sands of Time, with the promise that this substance can grant immortality. The Prince sets the sands free from where they were encased, changing almost everyone into hideous monsters. Now, wielding the power of the sands thanks to the Dagger of Time he picks up in the Indian caves, he must restore order.

The game focused heavily on traversal, allowing the player to run up or along walls or swinging from ledges or other obstacles in a clear foreshadow for Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series. The other major mechanic is the time-bending magical powers, allowing the Prince to do things like rewind, slow, or even freeze time to help with puzzles and with combat.

None of these powers are helpful right now, unfortunately. Time will tell when we can finally get our hands on the remake

