Ilysia - What We Know So Far

Ilysia, a room-scale virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), was funded through a Kickstarter in Fall 2020. The game looks like exactly what you'd expect from such an ambitious title, letting players take on the roles of humans, elves, dwarves, and other beings as they engage in fantastical adventures. Plus, the VR component makes it possible for fans to explore an open, immersive, fantasy world.


Ilysia is being developed by Team 21 Studio, LLC from South Carolina, which has been described in a Discord testimonial on the Kickstarter page as a "hard-working family company." The company's website says Ilysia has been in development since 2016, when it was a smaller, more traditional project in the vein of Diablo or Torchlight. Eventually, a Discord server was launched, a composer hired, and a pre-alpha released.  

Regular updates seem to show that Ilysia is progressing nicely. Here's what we know about the game so far. 

What is the release date of Ilysia?

According to a FAQ on the Kickstarter page, the alpha of the game is due in either the first or second quarter of 2021. The beta should follow in the second or third quarter, and the full release is planned for the fourth quarter. "These times can change obviously, but with our current work path, we believe this is very doable," the developers wrote. 


In the meantime, the team at 21 Studio has been posting updates every month or so on the Kickstarter page, and have invited fans to connect through the Discord channel for developer logs. In a post from November 2020, business director Tyler Washburn noted the team was working on RPG progression systems, character customization, an avatar system, and the FreeForge Class System, which allows players to use any gear they come across and offers 24 skill trees. The post also said the base UI was complete.

Another Kickstarter update January 2021 notes that, since the holiday break, the developers are working on texturing and shading, implementing mobs, and upgrading the version-control system. Also, the team is getting the ever-growing game world ready for animation and have made a first set of weapon models.


Is there a trailer for Ilysia?

The Kickstarter trailer is likely the one that has been most widely viewed, and it's meant to show exactly how the game looked during its pre-alpha stage. Team 21 Technical Director Xander Fogle posted a comment to the video noting that he and his company recorded everything in-game, so "nothing had to be faked or heavily edited."


Team 21 Studio posted another trailer after Ilysia had been fully crowdfunded. While its clear there's still work to be done, the developer has made advances in its textures and effects since it started posting videos in late 2019. The team is particular about indicating which platform the footage is from, as well. As a result, fans appear to be satisfied that the company intends to make good on its promises, which — let's face it — isn't always true of Kickstarter-funded game projects. 

Ilysia is set for release on Steam VR, Oculus Quest, Valve Index, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality. It should also release on PlayStation VR.

What is the gameplay like in Ilysia?

The idea of creating a VR MMOPRG sounds both difficult and daunting, but Team 21 Studio is working on making it a reality with a fully-fleshed out world. In Ilysia, the corrupt Lagenans used portals to try and inhabit the nearby planet Ilysia and start a war. Eventually, the Leganans were pushed back, but crafters, workers, and tradespeople were left behind. Three hundred years later, the removal of a barrier allows these people, along with other races affected by the invasion, to finally explore Ilysia. Ilysia is world full of Guardians and Titans (the bosses), plus Thulin, a mana that powers the world's machinery. 


Gamers get to play in a 179 (288 km) square-mile sandbox-style world that allows climbing, spelunking and other types of exploring among ruins, caves, temples, and other environments in many diverse regions. Secrets and treasures to be found include armor, weapons and items. Travel options include teleporting, caravaning, walking, traveling on airships, and riding on terrestrial or flying mounts. 

As for combat, Ilysia features physics-based melee and ranged combat, with damage based on velocity and position. there's magic too, which can be wielded either with gestures or button presses. PvP combat is optional, and takes place inside of designated PvP zones.

