Things You Won't Want To Skip In Cyberpunk 2077

It's been a rough first week since Cyberpunk 2077 launched. But if you're willing and able to overlook the game's technical problems on PS4 and Xbox One, there's still a lot of fun to be had. Maybe even too much fun. Cyberpunk's main story should take 25-30 hours. There's also a huge number of side missions and optional activities, including 75 unique Street Stories. As always, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your time and which ones are skippable. Additionally, Night City is so lavishly detailed that it can be easy to miss some of the game's best features. Like many open-world games, some of the best content is found off the beaten path


Some of these easily overlooked features offer fun and unique gameplay challenges. Others make your player stronger. And some are just details that make Cyberpunk 2077 a richer experience. Here are some things you definitely don't want to miss.

Cyberpsycho Sightings

In the world of Cyberpunk, people with psychopathic tendencies who get cybernetic augments can turn into Cyberpsychos. In Cyberpunk 2077, they're heavily modded lunatics who have gone berserk, and V has to hunt them down. They're essentially the game's minibosses. The fixer Regina Jones in the Watson region tips off V to their locations, and there are 17 different Cyberpsycho Sightings in the game.


These are some of the more difficult fights in the game, and they usually qualify for at least "Moderate" difficulty. Each mission starts with a phone call from Regina, who tips V off to the Cyberpsycho's general area. Once V is in the area, they'll have to pinpoint the Cyberpsycho's location, sometimes by scanning the area for clues. Cyberpsychos are unique and each have their own combat styles, from a classic sniper to a mech-suited cyborg, so no fight is the same. Killing them nets V a good amount of XP, Eurodollars, Street Cred, and usually a powerful weapon. They also drop Shards, which fill in some of the game's lore. 

Rogue A.I. Taxis

We're currently in a world headed for driverless cars. In Cyberpunk 2077, driverless cars have arrived, but they're far from perfected. Early in Act 2, a rogue taxi crashes into V's car. That kicks off the Epistrophy questline. The owner of the cab company, Delamain, (which is itself an A.I.), contacts V and asks them to help hunt down and disable seven other taxis that have gone rogue. 


The Epistrophy quests work like automotive versions of the Cyberpsycho Sightings. Delamain provides V with the last known location of the rogue taxi, and V heads there in whatever vehicle's handy. Once V locates the taxi, they'll need to damage it enough to deactivate it. That can be done via weapons or by smashing another vehicle into it. Since these missions often take place on busy streets, they can easily attract police attention. They feel a lot like Cyberpunk meets Grand Theft Auto.

Hunting down a serial killer

It feels like there's an unwritten rule that every open-world game for grown-ups requires a quest to hunt down a serial killer. (Hello, Fallout 4, Skyrim, and The Witcher 3), and Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't disappoint. This quest involves multiple steps, and missing the initial portion can make the rest of it unavailable.


It starts during Act 2, but first you'll need to complete the "Life During Wartime" main quest and attain a Street Cred of at least 9. Once those conditions are met, Elizabeth Peralez will contact V with a job, beginning the "I Fought The Law" quest. During that quest, V meets and assists NCPD detective River Ward. Once the quest is over and 24 hours have passed in-game, Detective Ward will contact V and begin the quest "The Hunt." His nephew Randy has been abducted by a serial killer nicknamed Peter Pan, and he needs V's help finding him.

"The Hunt" involves multiple locations where V will have to locate clues that ultimately lead them to Edgewood Farm for a final showdown with the maniac.

