The Truth About The First Video Game Ever Played In Space

Whether it's something like the first platformer or first handheld console, gaming has, and always will be, full of exciting "firsts." If it is the first of its kind, you can absolutely bet that it will be recorded for all of history. In the case of a particular game, the feat that it accomplished was out of this world, literally.


You probably might have not known, but there is in fact a record for "first person to play a video game in space," recorded by Guinness World Records in 1993. The person who was given this extraordinary title was Aleksandr A. Serebrov, a Russian astronaut who occasionally found himself with some free time during a space mission. In order to keep himself occupied, Serebrov would game during his downtime, not realizing the true impact of his actions. With a classic puzzle title and handheld to keep him sane during his mission, Serebrov became forever immortalized in gaming history.

What was the first video game to be played outside of Earth?

Since Serebrov was sent to space in 1993, he didn't have a Nintendo Switch or other handheld consoles of the modern age to keep himself occupied. With zero home consoles onboard the space station he was in, Serebrov had no choice but to take his trusty Game Boy and a copy of Tetris to keep him company in the dark, dank void that is outer space. With this incredible combo, Serebrov was able to brave his 196 day mission.


Serebrov, his Game Boy, and his copy of Tetris all orbited the Earth over 3,000 times. According to the official Guinness World Records site, these items were eventually put up for auction in 2011, alongside a personal note from Serebrov.

"Like all cosmonauts, I love sport," wrote Serebov. "My particular favorites are football and swimming. During flight, in rare minutes of leisure, I enjoyed playing Game Boy," Serebrov wrote.

Although Serebrov passed away in 2013 at the age of 69, his legacy lives on. His Game Boy and Tetris were both sold for $1,220 in 2011 by Bonhams auction house. The listing for the item can still be seen today.

