Developer Turtle Rock To Stop Working On Evolve

Turtle Rock Studios has announced it will stop any further development on Evolve, a game in which four hunters face off against a deadly Monster in four-on-one combat. Creators Phil Robb and Chris Ashton posted a farewell letter in the game's forums, letting fans know the studio was no longer able to work on Evolve and thanking community for supporting them since the game's release.


The message isn't very clear regarding what will happen to Evolve, especially now that its current iteration is the free-to-play Evolve: Stage 2, but the creators did say that they wanted to host one final Evolve-themed livestream, Thursday, October 27 at 12PM PT on their Twitch channel.

2K, for their part, have published a blog post that details what will happen to the game now that Turtle Rock has stopped development and passed the day-to-day server operation to the publisher. Fans of Evolve: Stage 2 will still be able to play the free game with no changes, except for the fact that 2K promises to "continue to experiment with the business model." This could mean that the publisher will find different ways to make money off the game before finally shuttering it. One of the plans mentioned in the post includes the possibility of bringing the Stage 2 experience to consoles.


A FAQ is provided at the bottom of the post stating that the Evolve: Stage 2 servers will remain online "for the foreseeable future," which is obviously open to interpretation. But again, 2K is taking pains to assure fans that no other changes will be made and that "growing the game's audience on PC is the primary focus."

Without further updates from the team at Turtle Rock Studios or the in-house team at 2K, it could be tough for this first-person shooter to maintain an audience. We just hope Evolve doesn't go the way of other games that were hyped up, only to falter after being released.

