Is Demon's Souls Remake Coming To PS4?

Since the PlayStation 5 is in such high demand — and because console stocks can't keep up with pre-orders — not every gamer who wants a PS5 on Nov. 12, 2020 will get one. This could be one of the many reasons most launch titles will release on both the PS5 and the PlayStation 4. Even highly-anticipated games meant to push PS5 sales such as Spider-Man: Miles Morales will launch on the PS4 (in a slightly neutered form). However, one launch title in particular makes audiences raise their eyebrows in confusion: Demon's Souls.


Many gamers hold the original Demon's Souls in high regard because it essentially birthed a whole new video game genre. Yet despite the game's popularity, it languished on the PlayStation 3. Once Sony announced its remake for the PS5, audiences prepared to "git gud" or die trying all over again (and again and again). However, given PS5 pre-order problems, there's no guarantee Sony will supply enough consoles to meet the demand for a Demon's Souls remake.

If Sony were to also launch the game on the PS4, this issue would be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, it's not all that clear if the Demon's Souls remake will be a PS5 exclusive or if it will also launch on the PS4. If you're looking for an answer, you've come to the right article.


Chalk up all non-PS5 Demon's Souls rumors to human error

If you visit the official Demon's Souls page, it only lists a PS5 version. That should answer all of your questions as to whether the game is coming to PS4. After all, the websites of launch titles such as Sackboy: A Big Adventure and Spider-Man: Miles Morales openly state they will release on both consoles. Even Horizon Forbidden West, which doesn't have a release date, proudly boasts it will be available on the PS4 and PS5. But the Demon's Souls remake? There is neither hide nor hair of any official PS4 release on its web page, so case closed, right?


If only the rumor mill were so compliant.

In mid-October 2020, the website Media Markt — which is essentially the Best Buy of Belgium — listed a PS4 version of the Demon's Souls remake. However, this was quickly shot down as a mistake, as it isn't the first time the company made an egregious listing error.

What doesn't help matters or confusion is the remake's history with errors. The original trailer ended by stating the game wouldn't be available on other consoles "for a limited time," and it would also release on PC. Sony has since backpedaled from that claim, stating it was the result of human error. According to Sony's damage control statement, the Demon's Souls remake is a PS5 exclusive. Until Sony says otherwise, don't believe any claims to the contrary.


