Nolan North Follows Up On Lance Reddick's San Pellegrino Debate - Exclusive

Lance Reddick is the man who brought us Charon in John Wick, Irvin Irving on Bosch, Phillip Broyles on Fringe, and Zavala in the Destiny games. He's become a beloved figure to fans of action, drama, and sci-fi alike. He also has some interesting thoughts regarding soda.


Back in August, Reddick tweeted about a fan who loves his voice. The fan had opined that the actor's voice is so relaxing that they could listen to him read the ingredients off the back of a soda can. Reddick did exactly that — he pulled out a can, turned it around, and used put on his best ASMR voice to perform the ingredients and soothe our troubled world.

There was one hitch: some folks took issue with the specific brand of drink Reddick was reading. The drink in question was San Pellegrino, leading to a debate in the comments: is San Pellegrino soda?

Is San Pellegrino soda?

Shortly after Lance Reddick read the back of a can of San Pellegrino, one particularly bold commenter pointed out that, technically, San Pellegrino is not soda, and lacks the sort of verbal challenge presented by cola chemicals. Reddick released a response video the following day, calling out the tweet and staging a dramatic reading of the ingredients in Pepsi.


Still, the debate was never truly settled — is San Pellegrino soda? 

Since, in addition to playing Tony Stark in Marvel's Avengers and Nathan Drake in the Uncharted series, Nolan North plays Ghost to Reddick's Zavala in Destiny, we asked him to be the tie-breaking vote when he spoke with Looper for a recent interview. Is San Pellegrino soda? "No, because there's no sugar," says North. "Well, it's like club soda. It's sparkling water... I'm going to go no, because there's no sugar. I think soda would technically have to have some type of sweetener. So no, I'm going to say it's a seltzer, not a soda."

So there you have it. For now, at least, we're calling it: San Pellegrino is sparkling seltzer.


