Warzone Streamers Set Insane New Record

A new kill count record has just been set in Call of Duty: Warzone, and it is a doozy. According to CharlieIntel, the streaming team of TeePee, Symfuhny, HusKerrs, and DougisRaw managed to rack up a mind-blowing 121 kills during a Battle Royale Quads match over the weekend. 


In a clip shared to Twitter (language warning), you can see and hear the team's excited reactions to seeing the scoreboard after their match. That's the moment that they realized they had scored a new record. Though only 120 kills are shown in this clip, TeePee writes that the final kill was added to the board a little bit later.

As seen in a post by Symfuhny (who says he feels like his team carried him), each player managed to contribute an impressive number of kills to the total. Symfuhny bagged 24 enemies, while DougisRaw got 32, TeePee got 31, and Huskers got 34. Separately, these are numbers to be proud of, but together they comprise a new world record for Call of Duty: Warzone.

Even fellow streamers have been blown away by the new record. In a response to Symfuhny's post, professional Call of Duty player and streamer Nadeshot wrote, "Wow, I can't even fathom how you guys pulled this off."


This marks the second smashed Warzone record in as many weeks. Just last week, a truly impressive record was set in Call of Duty: Warzone for the most kills by a squad in a single game of Quads. FaZe Priestahh and his teammates wiped the floor with the competition by bringing in a staggering 113 kills. What was even more impressive about this is the fact that one member of that team, Deleo, had actually lagged out of the match in the middle of the battle. Despite this, Deleo still racked up 17 kills on his own, leaving the other three members to strike down an incredible 96 players. It makes one wonder if the record would have been even higher if Deleo's account had not been affected by lag. After all, there are only eight kills separating the new record and the previous one.

Still, 121 is the new number to beat. Warzone gamers continue to prove that they are a force to be reckoned with. Even with some of the issues that the game has been having, it appears that some people have gotten quite good at strategizing within Warzone. Even the persistent sound mixing issues that have plagued streamers like Dr Disrespect seem to be no problem for a well-oiled team like this one. 

At first glance, it can be kind of hard to imagine how this record could possibly be beaten in the future. After all, there are 150 players in any given Call of Duty: Warzone match. You'd have to work pretty hard to kill an even higher percentage of your opponents than these guys did.


However, as has been pointed out by a few fans online, it's actually possible to rack up an insane amount of kills in Warzone thanks to the different ways in which players can be respawned or revived. In addition to being revived by teammates, Warzone also has its own fun little addition to the battle royale formula called the Gulag. With the Gulag, players who are killed in battle have a chance at re-entering the match after facing off in a one-on-one match inside Warzone's resident prison. The Gulag has proven to be a massively popular aspect of the Call of Duty: Warzone experience. Even Ninja, who has been openly critical of some aspects of Warzone, believes that other games like Fortnite could stand to borrow a concept like the Gulag.

In other words, with 150 combatants and multiple chances at revives, theres potential for an absurd number of kills during a single match. Still, that's not exactly the easiest feat to accomplish, either for the players being resurrected or the players leading the kill count. As one player tweeted, "I would be interested to see the stats on people redeploying more than 3 times in a game. Has to be low. Of course these pro players achieve that, but probably not the average player."


However, before you even think about cheating to match or beat this kill record, you may want to reconsider. Infinity Ward has been very proactive in curbing the amount of cheating in Call of Duty: Warzone. Not only have thousands of accounts been banned for hacking the game, but Infinity Ward is also putting suspected cheaters into a cheaters-only lobby while they are investigated. In other words, the best way to go about breaking this new record is to play fair — the old fashioned way.

