Twitter Reacts To BossLogic's Assassin's Creed Reveal

After months of wild rumors, yesterday saw the reveal of the newest entry in the Assassin's Creed franchise, the awesomely titled Assassin's Creed Valhalla. The method through which Ubisoft decided to unveil this new title was an interesting one, to say the least. Superstar artist BossLogic took to Twitch to livestream a work in progress, creating an announcement poster before fans' very eyes. 


BossLogic is known as a popular fan artist who has won the hearts of the film industry. In recent years, he has provided official posters for major Hollywood motion pictures like Avengers: Endgame and the live-action remake of Disney's Aladdin. In other words, the Assassin's Creed reveal is just the latest impressive step in BossLogic's exploding career.

The stream lasted a staggering eight hours, during which BossLogic added and removed background details and filled in the impressive poster with a violent battle scene. All the while, fans sounded off in the Twitch channel's chat and answered Assassin's Creed trivia questions that occasionally popped up to keep people engaged. At the end of the stream, the poster was revealed... and people have some thoughts.


Let's get some of the negative comments out of the way first. Even during the stream, there were fans who took to Twitter to complain about the reveal. Some felt that it was taking far too long, presumably because they were hoping for a more traditional trailer drop. Other fans simply seemed like they were preparing themselves to be disappointed by the game before even a title reveal. 

This is somewhat understandable, as the Assassin's Creed fandom has been divided on the quality of the last few entries in the franchise. Reviews of the most recent title, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, were likewise mixed. Newsweek called it "a repetitive mess, filled with more than 60 hours of uninteresting gameplay and laughably confusing storylines," so it's understandable that people are on the fence regarding the next entry.

On the other hand, there were some very excited reactions from fans. One person shared their Assassin's Creed cosplay photos, which prompted some encouraging remarks from other fans. Another fan expressed that they now wanted to learn how to use photoshop to create projects like BossLogic's.

One person couldn't believe how much work had gone into the poster reveal livestream. This person tweeted a side-by-side image of the beginning of the stream and the final product, writing, "I saw the first image being transformed into the other one. Amazing work @Bosslogic. And also, congratulations to @Ubisoft, this was one of the most authentic reveals we've seen this year. Can't wait to learn more about Valhalla!"


BossLogic fans were also excited for the artist to have such a prominent platform for his work. One person wrote, "Bosslogic gets to flex his photoshop skills on the whole world and make money at the same time."

And then, of course, there were the memes. One of the very best came from someone who claimed to have figured out what the protagonist of the new Assassin's Creed game would be, photoshopping a baboon over the silhouette in the center of BossLogic's work in progress.

For his own part, BossLogic was thrilled to have played a role in Assassin's Creed history. Following the livestream, he tweeted, "I had the opportunity to work on one of my favorite video game franchises this year and I'm excited to finally share this with you! ... Thank you for watching."

Others attempted to join the conversation by admitting that they were mostly unfamiliar with the franchise. One person tweeted, "Never played Assassin's Creed, is it any good?" In a wholesome turn of events, many fans responded enthusiastically, telling this person where to start with the franchise and sharing their love for the characters. This encouraged the original poster to finally check out the series. If nothing else, it seems like this livestream really brought people together in one way or another.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla will be released later this year for Google Stadia, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, and PC. In the meantime, if you need something to meditate to, check out the video of BossLogic's livestream. It's like watching a Bob Ross painting video, only with way less happy little trees and way more weapons. 

For those of you who don't have eight hours to spare, BossLogic has helpfully uploaded a time-lapsed version of the livestream to his YouTube page. It boils the entire impressive process down to just under four minutes.

