Sony Has 'Well Kept' Secrets About The PS5

Since the initial announcement of the PlayStation 5, fans have been clamoring for any and all information on the new console. We received a thorough (albeit extremely dry) rundown of the console's specs in a recent livestream presentation from Sony, which satisfied the curiosity of some fans and seemed to disappoint many others.


However, according to Matt Hargett, the former Principle Software Engineer on the PlayStation 5, there are plenty of surprises that have yet to be revealed from the Sony camp. This hint was dropped in a conversation on Twitter regarding the various leaked documents regarding the PlayStation 5 and its capabilities. 

Hargett mentioned he couldn't get into specifics regarding the console, tweeting, "I am not saying what features PS5 has or doesn't have." However, he did offer one curious bit of information. 

"Many, many things haven't shown up in leaks," tweeted Hargett. "There are plenty of secrets that are being well kept."

It's certainly exciting to speculate on what kinds of goodies Sony is keeping under wraps. However, Hargett's hint also seems like kind of a no-brainer. Aside from the recent unveiling of the PlayStation 5's new controller, the DualSense, there's so much we don't know about this new system. We don't even know what it will look like.


The leaked dev kit from last fall didn't give us many hints in that direction, either. Those are typically made with function in mind, rather than form. Despite giving us an idea of the kind of hardware the PlayStation 5 will be packing, it doesn't give us much in the way of aesthetics. In other words, it's hard to say just how much we actually gleaned from it in regards to the genuine article. 

The DualSense reveal has made some folks wonder if the PlayStation 5 will be an all-white console to match the controller, but even that is pure speculation. Heck, some people can't even seem to agree on whether or not we've seen everything on just the DualSense. There are some fans who think that Sony has purposefully posed the controller in photos to hide a series of buttons on the back of the controller.

We have some ideas of games that will be on the new console, including a new installments of the Grand Turismo franchise and a sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn. It's likely that there will be more PlayStation 5 exclusives announced when the release of the console gets closer. 

There's also the recent leaked patent for a robot that would watch you play video games and offer commentary. Even that patent was somewhat cagey on details, with the design of the robot itself seeming to be a bit of a placeholder design. Still, further information regarding the robot and its applications could be one of the secrets referred to in Hargett's tweet. 


To the credit of the fans corresponding with Matt Hargett, many of them did try to pick his brain for further hints. While many wondered about the technical specs of the PlayStation 5, others had questions about things like backwards compatibility with PlayStation 4 games. 

Hargett, however, remained tight-lipped on the subject. Having signed non-disclosure agreements while working on the new console, he could stand to land in quite a bit of legal trouble if he reveals too much. As Hargett mentioned, "I can't answer every tweet, and sometimes don't answer because I don't want to be quoted out of context. Thanks for understanding."

Insiders close to the Sony camp have reported that the current coronavirus outbreak has caused a major setback in Sony's plans to roll out major PlayStation 5 reveals and announcements. This allegedly led to the DualSense controller's reveal being hurriedly rushed out to appease impatient fans. There are also reports that the PlayStation 5 will be limited in stock for the first year of its release. All in all, it seems that this year is not going exactly how Sony had planned, which could also account for how many details we still haven't learned regarding the new gaming system.


This actually seems to line up with the sentiments of a later tweet from Hargett. In response to frustrated fans, he implored people, "Be patient and kind, especially now with the global pandemic." 

The prospect of Sony having plenty of secrets up its sleeve may not be all that revelatory, but it is certainly tantalizing. Hopefully we'll hear more of these secrets soon, though at this point, many fans would settle for a release date announcement. For now, we'll continue to keep an eye out for any updates.

