Mortal Kombat 11's Spawn Will Finally Be Seen In Action At This Event

While the Joker from DC Comics has finally arrived to prank his fellow Kombatants to death, there's still another comic book character being eagerly anticipated by Mortal Kombat fans. Image Comics' Spawn is the next DLC fighter to step into the ring, and we've been wondering for quite some time when we can expect to see him unleash hell.


NetherRealm Studios has finally announced when we can get a taste of Spawn's abilities. A commercial was just released for the upcoming Final Kombat 2020 tournament, which will bring together the world's top competitive Mortal Kombat 11 players. In addition to the tournament itself, NetherRealm has some really fun surprises in store for fans. Chief among these is the gameplay reveal for Spawn.

If this reveal is anything like the Joker trailers we got leading up to the release of that character, then we can be sure to see several of Spawn's special moves and maybe even a Fatality at the event on March 7.

Final Kombat is going all out

As a way of celebrating the first look at Spawn's fighting techniques, NetherRealm has gone all out by bringing along a few big guests. Todd McFarlane, the creator of Spawn, will be on hand at the event. This is a great sign that the studio has done the dark hero justice with his appearance in the new game. Also present at the event will be Keith David, the veteran actor who provided the voice of Spawn in the groundbreaking HBO animated series and the upcoming DLC.


It's clear that NetherRealm is feeling very confident in the strength of this new Combatant, especially if it's pulling out all of the stops like this. Hopefully we'll get a hint at even more content. We already have a wish list of our own when it comes to alternate skins for Spawn. Maybe we'll get to see what else NetherRealm has planned for the hero when the gameplay trailer is finally revealed.

