A Huge PlayStation 4 Exclusive Could Be Coming To PC

It looks like Sony is set to do something rather unprecedented. In the past, the company has been adamant about keeping PlayStation exclusives on PlayStation. For one very big PS4 title, however, that may no longer be the case.


Kotaku is reporting that, according to its sources, Sony plans to bring Guerrilla Games' Horizon Zero Dawn to PC later this year. This would be a pretty stunning move, as it cuts against what Sony's strategy has always been in the past. For years, Sony has viewed its portfolio of exclusives as a means to generate console sales. This worked especially well with the PlayStation 4, which had an impressive lineup of games that didn't appear anywhere else.

One could wonder if Sony has always been laying the groundwork for such a change, though. As Kotaku notes, Sony put money behind a game it knew would come to PC at some point in Death Stranding. And a Sony-owned studio — Sony San Diego — will see its games go multi-platform in the future. Those games may be MLB baseball games — and the MLB might have done some arm-twisting to make that happen — but they're games, nonetheless.


It's also worth remembering that Horizon Zero Dawn was made playable on PC this month thanks to PlayStation Now. That service doesn't require players to own a PlayStation 4, but instead can utilize a PC and a DualShock 4 to stream hundreds of PS2, PS3, and PS4 titles. Horizon leaves PlayStation Now on April 7, so maybe that date offers a clue about when we'll get more news. Or maybe it means nothing at all. Who knows.

Microsoft has long been banging the drum about putting games on both PC and console, so it's nice to see Sony is willing to entertain the idea, as well. Horizon Zero Dawn is a fantastic game, and it's great news that more people will get a chance to experience it. When? That we don't know. As soon as we receive some word on a release date, however, we'll be sure to update.

