Bungie Starts Destiny Fundraiser To Fight Australian Brushfires

The devastating wildfires that have been blazing for months in Australia continue to cause catastrophic damage to residential homes and wildlife. That's why Bungie, the developer behind Halo and Destiny, has decided to show its support for those affected by the fires. 


In yesterday's This Week At Bungie post, Bungie threw its hat in the ring. The studio announced that a special t-shirt will be available for pre-order through the Bungie store from Jan. 16 through Jan. 18. The t-shirt, which does not yet have a finalized design, will come with a special redemption code that awards players with an in-game "Star Light, Star Bright" emblem. 

Half of the proceeds from sales of the limited edition shirt will be donated to wildlife rescue organization WIRES. The remaining proceeds will be given to the NSW Rural Fire Service to help combat the fires. The final design is expected to be revealed within the next week.

The fundraiser has been organized through the Bungie Foundation, which is Bungie's official charity. Over the years, Bungie Foundation has partnered with other organizations such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Seattle Children's Hospital to make a difference by reaching out through the gaming community. In the blog post, Bungie Foundation Senior Manager Christine Edwards expressed her gratitude to the many people who have helped make these charities a success in the past.


"Over the past two decades, the Bungie community has been an amazing force for good in our world by raising millions of dollars to assist those in distress," said Edwards. "Our hearts go out to all that are impacted and we are wishing for clearer skies ahead."

In the meantime, there are many different organizations that are accepting donations and volunteers in the fight against the wildfires. It's always encouraging to see the gaming community banding together to make a positive difference. 

