Hideo Kojima Didn't Take The Day Off

Where are you right now? Chances are, you're at home or at the home of a family member, enjoying the holiday as one should: in sweatpants. Perhaps you even went out and saw a movie today; that is the holiday tradition for some. Hideo Kojima — the famed producer behind Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding — planned on catching a flick himself.


Then he decided to work.

On Twitter, Kojima filled fans in on what he was up to on Christmas Eve.

"Maybe I was too tired I slept over this morning," he began. "I wanted to go see Last Christmas 1st thing in the morning but realized today was Christmas Eve. Me as an old man going to the theater by myself on this day? I changed my plan to stay in my office working on my next concept."

Of course, we're not so much interested in why Kojima wanted to see Last Christmas as we are this new concept he speaks of. Is this a video game? Is he finally going to be breaking into the movie business? If it's a game, will it be the weird prequel-up to Death Stranding he's been talking about? Or has he devised a new property with a new universe he wants to explore?


We'd love nothing more than for Kojima to take on the horror game genre. The more we learn about P.T. — years after its release — the more we're fascinated by what SIlent Hills could have been. If someone could give Kojima and his team the time and the money to make that... well, let's just say we'd be fine having that as the only item on our Christmas lists.

Unfortunately, Kojima didn't spill any additional beans on what his next concept might be. We suppose we won't find out for quite awhile, either. Let the speculation begin.

