Cyberpunk 2077's Multiplayer Mode May Include Microtransactions

The latest rumor regarding the much anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 isn't the best. There is an unnamed multiplayer mode in development, which is good news, but the bad news is that it might have microtransactions. This is how gamers are translating a particular quote from CD Projekt Red joint-CEO Adam Kiciński, anyway. 


In answer to a shareholder's question about in-game monetisation in this multiplayer mode, Kiciński said: "As far as the monetisation of multiplayer for Cyberpunk is concerned, we believe right now it's definitely too early to share any details on that or give guidance; the project is in a relatively early stage." This isn't a yes, but it definitely isn't a no either. Microtransactions are widespread despite their bad reputation and perhaps predatory nature. So, why is this possible inclusion such a big deal? 

For months, even years now, CD Projekt Red has promised the capitalist dystopia of Cyberpunk 2077 will not have microtransactions. The first trailer for the game had a hidden FAQ that frankly stated: "Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?" Further interviews with the folks at the studio seemed to confirm this attitude toward microtransactions. Past projects like The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt gave out DLC like candy at Halloween: a sweet treat that was entirely free. 


This Cyberpunk 2077 game will be the dev's very first multiplayer venture, and it is not yet clear if microtransactions will be part of it. "We keep experimenting. It's our first multiplayer game," said CD Projekt Red management. "We check different options and possibilities, and it's definitely not the time to point you to a specific direction on that. But you can expect that we won't change our general policy toward deals with gamers. So expect wise monetization and always value for money."

We're not sure if this means we should brace ourselves for a bevy of microtransactions in Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer mode, because it looks like CD Projekt Red is still unsure as to whether or not it wants to utilize them. For now we can only wait for the devs to make up their minds.

