The PlayStation 5 Might Have A Samsung SSD

We're still a ways off from getting our hands on the PlayStation 5 but the more we hear about it, the more excited we are. Due to a not-so-subtle announcement from Samsung, we're excited to report it looks like Samsung may be creating the SSD (solid-state drive) for the PlayStation 5.


System architect Mark Cerny confirmed the new PlayStation console would include an SSD back in October, though he declined to share the manufacturer behind it. During a Samsung event in Tokyo today, the tech company announced they are working on a new SSD that will create a new "era in game consoles." Tellingly, this was said alongside a slideshow that featured what looked to be a PlayStation. Samsung intends to utilize this new SSD in consoles starting in 2020, which just happens to be when the PlayStation 5 will launch. 

Simply put, this Non-Volatile Memory Express SSD would significantly reduce load times. Firing up Monster Hunter: World might take 38 seconds now but Samsung wants to reduce that time down to less than 13 seconds. This might not seem like a big deal but as Niko Partners senior analyst Daniel Ahmad pointed out, this reduced load time would seriously affect games like Anthem


"The use of SSD's next gen is good news for the upcoming Anthem reboot. Loading times will be reduced from 10 minutes to just 6 minutes." he tweeted today. Four minutes can feel like forever when you just want to get into the game already. 

Currently, PlayStation 4 owners can get a similar experience by hooking up their console to a SSD but that requires purchasing one separately and then the incredible effort of plugging it in. It's not exactly a tall order, but having an SSD already bundled away inside a brand new console is exciting news. 

Sony already claimed the PS5 will be the world's fastest console, and this SSD might be one of the reasons it is going to be so very speedy. We'll see how fast the PlayStation 5 really is when it hits shelves at the end of 2020. 

