Fallout 76 Rolls Out Insane $100 Subscription

Ready for some weird Fallout 76 news? Bethesda has announced a subscription service for the game called Fallout 1st that offers players certain perks and benefits in exchange for their cash. It sounds crazy enough, but the mere existence of Fallout 1st isn't anywhere near as insane as the service's asking price: $11.99 per month, or $100 per year.


What does your hard-earned IRL cash money get you should you decide to become a Fallout 1st member? Apparently a whole lot of stuff that players expected to have in the first place. Fallout 1st will turn on the ability to host private worlds for you and your seven closest survivors, for example, and will also include a scrap box that lets you store as much junk as you need, a survival tent that acts as a movable fast travel point (and comes with a sleeping bag), a monthly stipend of 1,650 atoms to spend in the in-game store, and some exclusive icons and emotes. Not to mention, you'll also receive the Ranger outfit from Fallout: New Vegas (which some Bethesda fans might actually want).

Many of these new features have been requested by players since Fallout 76 first released. In fact, Bethesda acknowledges that in the announcement for Fallout 1st, saying, "Ever since Fallout 76 launched, we have consistently worked to improve and evolve the experience based on your feedback." Perhaps it's not wise to basically say, "We heard your feedback, now we'd like more money to make the changes you asked for."


The Fallout 1st announcement comes right after the news that the game's free Wastelanders update has been delayed until next year. Wastelanders was supposed to be Fallout 76's saving grace, finally giving players a proper RPG with NPCs to interact with. But this delay, combined with the price tag of the Fallout 1st subscription, has given players another reason to rail against the game

This bold move might not work out for Bethesda, but we'll have to wait and see to know for sure. In the meantime, we're going to go play The Outer Worlds and wait for all of this to blow over.

