Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong To Launch In 2021

Bigben has shared the first details about Swansong, the upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade title from The Council developer Big Bad Wolf Studios. Set in the World of Darkness tabletop universe, Swansong will draw upon the rules and mechanics released in Vampire's fifth edition.


In Swansong, you'll play as three separate vampires as they attempt to navigate the twists and turns of immortal society. "The player takes control of 3 vampires belonging to different clans of the Camarilla, the secret society to which most vampires belong," divulged Bigben in a press release over the weekend. "Weaving between their intertwined tales, the player has to confront the different points of view of his characters to unravel fact from fiction. With whispers of conspiracy, murder and power struggles, the player must protect his clan, discover the truth and above all enforce the Masquerade, the vampire law designed to conceal the existence of creatures of the night from humans."

Big Bad Wolf established a shining reputation for itself within the world of narrative games with the release of The Council last year. Featuring an elaborate, branching dialogue system and consequence-based gameplay, the episodic game offered a refreshing twist on the genre, the season unfolding with just the right amount of twists and drama. If you can get past the sub-par voice acting of the protagonist, you're in for one of the best RPGs I've ever experienced, complete with beautifully rendered three-dimensional environments and a rich cast of characters, some of which are based on real historical figures.


The game design used to bring The Council to life will act as a beautiful compliment to the mechanics and setting of World of Darkness. Bigben and Big Bad Wolf are targeting a 2021 launch date for Swansong. With Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York arriving this December and Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 expected next year, Vampire fans have a lot to look forward to these next couple of years.

