The Rarest Skin Of Fortnite: Chapter 2

Fans had a lot to be excited for when the first Fortnite: Chapter 2 battle pass trailer leaked prior to the game's bombastic return (post black hole). The trailer was loaded with new locations, features, and skins that followed a theme of good vs. evil and light vs. dark. And fortunately, when Chapter 2 actually launched, those skins did indeed come with it.


But which skin is the rarest

For each skin, there is a sort of matching alter ego. In Tier 1, there's pink-haired Journey and then green-haired Hazard, along with the fresh-faced Turk and grizzled warrior Riptide. Later, players will be able to unlock pairs like Remedy and Toxin, as well as 8-Ball and Scratch.

Because of the map's Slurpy Swamp, there is also the good-and-evil dynamic duo of Rippley and Sludge. These... things are made up of the healing ooze that leaks out of the Slurp Factory into the marsh, with Rippley being happy and blue, while Sludge is red and downright devilish. 

And then there's Cameo and Chic. While they don't exactly follow the theme of good vs. evil, these two are polar opposites: one is stylish and the other gaudy.


The rarest skin of Fortnite: Chapter 2, however, doesn't come with an alter ego. Fittingly named Fusion, this Legendary skin seems to be a fusion of good and evil, light and dark. He looks like a glowing blue ghoul in ninja gear. Fans are saying that he's not technically corporeal, but is instead made out of a mysterious energy. They're also saying he looks really, really cool both in his black outfit and the white outfit that shields his scary face from view (and kind of makes him look like Overwatch's Reaper).

Fusion isn't available until players have leveled their Battle Pass all the way to Tier 100. So if you see Fusion in a game, run. There's a skilled player behind that ghastly face.

