Hearthstone Trophy Was Supposed To Break, According To Blizzard

Blizzard has been in the news recently for a number of controversies, but the most recent one is perhaps more embarrassing than scandalous. Upon winning the title of Bucharest Master Tour Champion at this weekend's Hearthstone Championship, pro player Eddie Lui was handed his trophy... then watched as it promptly broke in his hands.


Good thing he has that $95,000 prize pool to compensate for his defective trophy, right? Actually, according to Blizzard, the trophy is meant to come apart.

Blizzard PR coordinator Eric Elliott responded to an inquiry from Kotaku, saying, "The trophy is in two parts to make transportation for the champion much easier. This way they don't have to plan on a larger suitcase in case they win, and to help avoid risks of it breaking during travel. If the trophy were to break then we would fix it for the champions." 

The golden trophy had a glowing, purple gem that sat precariously atop it. This is the part that tumbled unceremoniously to the floor the moment that Eddie jostled it. The violet light went out, the gem fell to the floor with a thud, and Eddie and the casters were left to laugh helplessly. We never did see the gem glowing again, as it was apparently shut off by the fall.


The whole affair was seriously awkward, and that's before considering that the Masters Tour overshadowed by Blizzard's controversial ban of Hong Kong Hearthstone player Wai Chung "Blitzchung" Ng for making pro-Hong Kong comments on a live stream. The trophy crumbling in Eddie's hands almost seemed like a bad omen for Blizzard, but at least we know now that it was meant to do that. Maybe not on stream and not in front of a live audience during the Masters Tour, but ultimately, it was meant to do that.

