Pokemon Masters Producer Apologizes, Promises Improvements

For those who didn't think that the mobile game Pokemon Masters lived up to its trailer, you're not alone. Many fans have voiced their disappointment with the game, and the producers have been listening. In a blog post yesterday, producer Yu Sasaki apologized for not meeting fans' expectations. 


"We've taken your feedback to heart. At this time, we'd like to look back at the game's activity since launch and update you all about its future direction," Sasaki said on behalf of the team behind the game.

By all means, the game has enjoyed a strong, successful launch, with players spending $26 million on the game in its very first week. And yet, the complaints slowly but surely started rolling in: players felt that the gameplay was slow, buggy, and absolutely riddled with microtransactions.

The post acknowledges the number of reported bugs, and reassures players that fixing them will be the developer's top priority saying that in the future, issues will be resolved in a much more timely manner. But bugs aren't the only thing plaguing Pokemon Masters. Sasaki said that the two most common concerns reported by the community was a lack of content and an unsatisfying battle system. These things aren't nearly as easy to work as a few bugs, but the blog post lays out a battle plan for tackling these issues by explaining what their new areas of focus are internally (lack of content, lack of appealing rewards, difficulty, and poor usability) and revealing some short term plans (more story events and a revised reward system). Furthermore, the post said that a more detailed roadmap would be announced soon, just to ensure that the producers are making good on all these promises. 


Pokemon Masters fans should feel at least slightly reassured for the moment. Sasaki followed all the proper procedures for an apology and, what's more, has assured us that Pokemon Masters will soon see better days. We'll have to wait and see if those better days do indeed come.

