Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - How To Get The Seasonal Artifact

In the Shadowkeep expansion, Destiny 2 developer Bungie is approaching the game's sandbox in an entirely new way. Instead of issuing balance patches for weapons, exotic armor pieces, and abilities every few months (which is time intensive), Bungie is instead altering the Destiny 2 meta with something called a Seasonal Artifact.


Long story short, the Seasonal Artifact enables players to try out new perks or buffs for the length of one season. At the start of each new season, players can get their hands on a new Seasonal Artifact. By playing the game and earning XP, players can unlock perks in the Seasonal Artifact and increase its power level. And at the end of the season, the Artifact goes away, as do its effects.

The very first Seasonal Artifact available in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is called The Gate Lord's Eye. So you may be wondering: how do you get the Seasonal Artifact?

The answer is a fairly easy one: play the game and earn XP.

The Gate Lord's Eye Seasonal Artifact is part of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep's Season Pass (which is essentially its Battle Pass). Like Fortnite's Battle Pass, Destiny 2's version has a free track and a paid track. And players can reach new tiers in the Pass and unlock rewards by earning XP in the game.


The Gate Lord's Eye is free to all players who reach Tier 7 in the Destiny 2: Shadowkeep Season Pass. And if you want to get there quickly, all you have to do is finish the Shadowkeep campaign, then complete activities and bounties associated with those activities (for example, play Crucible and complete Crucible bounties). Activity completions earn you XP, as do completed bounties once they're turned in. After playing through the campaign and doing a few activities and bounties afterward, you should have more than enough XP to level your Season Pass up to Tier 7 and obtain The Gate Lord's Eye Seasonal Artifact.

