Apex Legends Halloween Event Could Introduce A New Mode And A Creepier Kings Canyon

Things are pretty wild right now in Apex Legends. A new season just kicked off, and thanks to some dataminers, we're getting a look at what the game's Halloween event might have in store, weeks in advance.


A Twitter user by the name of Shrugtal deserves all the props for uncovering these details, which were reportedly located in Apex Legends game files added after the latest update. And it seems that the information dug out of these files points to a new mode being added just in time for Halloween: Shadowfall. Here is what the description text for Shadowfall has to say about the event.

"For a limited time, a warped version of the Apex games will be hosted at night in an abandoned Kings Canyon by a mysterious figure only known as Revenant," the text reads. "Solo Legends fight to the death bt with a dark twist – when Legends die, they are reborn on the Shadow Squad, an ever-growing faction of dark Legends who return from the dead to haunt their living counterparts with increased mobility and brutal melee attacks. The last 10 Living Legends will join forces to try to escape while the Shadow Squad attempts to stop them at all costs."


This sounds a little bit like the kind of "Infection" mode found in Halo, but with the added danger of being killed by the living, too. Color us intrigued!

And as you probably gathered from that description, Kings Canyon could be making a temporary return. We'll get to see what it looks like at night, which is definitely a change. And the matches taking place here will not be the typical Apex matches. They're "warped." And they're hosted by someone named "Revenant." Could this character potentially be the next Legend added to the game? It's possible!

We'll be keeping an eye on Apex Legends for any other information on the game's upcoming Halloween event. If we're able to confirm what was discussed here — or if the end product is different — we'll let you know.

