MrBeast Accused Of Silencing Anyone Speaking Out About Ava Kris Tyson

The following article contains allegations of grooming and sexual assault.

The controversy surrounding Ava Kris Tyson has become even more complicated. Back in July, the longtime MrBeast crew member faced accusations that she had exchanged inappropriate messages with minors on Discord and groomed a member who went by the handle LavaGS. Things got even worse for Tyson when @Mooskina posted a long thread on X, explaining that she used to live with and work for Tyson, then claimed Tyson used her position at MrBeast's company to coerce Mooskina into sexual situations on multiple occasions.


Mooskina added more accusations on August 15, claiming that MrBeast's team was trying to silence anyone who wanted to speak out about Tyson. "It's now confirmed that MrBeast is actively trying to keep people from talking about how I was [sexually assaulted] by Ava Kris Tyson," she wrote. "This is most likely why you haven't seen any big channels comment on my story, and why it's been kept mostly on Twitter."


To support her claim, Mooskina shared an alleged screenshot of a leaked message that Tyson's current partner, a content creator called Eret, sent out to their team. In that portion of the message, Eret wrote, "As MrBeast has been under so much pressure recently, they don't want anyone to say anything publicly in case it causes more things to flare up online." On its own, that statement does sound like the seed of a conspiracy, but in the context of Eret's full message, it's clear that what's happening internally at MrBeast is even more complicated.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

Eret has shared their side of the story

Because Eret is in a relationship with Ava Tyson, they felt the need to share their side of the story with their staff. Their lengthy message leaked online, and it begins with a general condemnation of Tyson's past behavior. "Ava and I are both disgusted by the person she used to be," Eret wrote, adding, "I will go into detail on points, but I need you to know that I would not be dating someone who would behave in the way 2016-2018 Ava did."


Eret went on to explain that MrBeast's HR team has started an investigation into Mooskina's story. Because of the ongoing investigation into Tyson's past, the team didn't want anyone from MrBeast, including Tyson herself, to make a public statement about Mooskina. "Any response from Ava would flare stuff up again. As a result, nothing can be said ... They won't let Ava say 'I didn't do it,'" Eret wrote. Eret went on to talk about how the MrBeast team had responded internally when the Tyson controversy first broke, and in the process may have inadvertently confirmed some accusations surrounding MrBeast's upcoming TV show.

Beast Games may have influenced the decision to fire Ava Tyson

According to Eret, MrBeast's PR team wrote Ava Tyson's infamous apology tweet and forced her to leave the company immediately after the accusations about her past behavior surfaced. Eret claims that the decision was made largely due to unfortunate timing. "The previous week, the first recording for the MrBeast Amazon show with 2,000 contestants was a failure," Eret wrote. They went on to say, "These accusations hitting directly after that whole project got destroyed made the investors terrified, and they basically forced Jimmy to kick Ava out as they considered her guilty until proven innocent."


We've heard some grim allegations about "Beast Games" and how its shoot panned out. Some contestants claim to have been denied access to food, water, and medicine while filming, and others say they were seriously injured while taking on the "Beast Games" challenges. Eret's story has been seen by some onlookers as another indication that those claims might be true.

We definitely aren't done hearing about Tyson, her past behavior, or her relationship with Mooskina. The same day that Mooskina accused MrBeast of silencing people, she shared a screenshot of a text message she received from Eret, where they wrote, "I am sorry that I talked about you so negatively in the message I sent to my staff ... I thought I had a deeper understanding of the situation than I did." The next day she shared another screenshot of an email she claims came from the MrBeast team after she reached out to them about their investigation. According to this correspondence, said a second law firm is currently reviewing the team's findings. If so, it's only a matter of time until we get more information about the serious allegations against Ava Kris Tyson.


