Tragic Details About CaseOh
Who doesn't love an underdog success story? The streaming world is full of people who seemingly arrive out of nowhere and blaze a trail to internet fame, like when Kai Cenat shattered Twitch records shortly after breaking into the scene. No matter how many times we hear a similar story, it's usually pretty exciting to see another small streamer make it big. That's why the internet is rightfully celebrating CaseOh.
Compared to other streamers in the space, CaseOh is still a total newbie, but he's pulling in viewers like an established star. In just nine months, CaseOh went from livestreaming for the first time to having over a million subscribers on Twitch. His stunning success has been recognized worldwide, winning him the award for Best Variety Streamer at the Streamer Awards in 2024. One of the best parts about watching CaseOh right now is getting to see someone who's still at the start of what could be a long and notable career. It may seem like CaseOh is at the top of his game right now, but with barely a year of streaming under his belt, the truth is that he's just getting warmed up.
CaseOh's doing great right now, but that doesn't mean his life is perfect. CaseOh's experienced some tough times in his life, and even though streaming has solved some of his problems, it's also given him new issues to face.
CaseOh could barely afford food before streaming
People decide to get into streaming for all sorts of reasons, but they typically don't commit to making streaming their full-time career right out of the gate. CaseOh is different in that regard, because he pretty much immediately determined to put all of his effort into making his channel take off. However, CaseOh's reasoning was less that he thought streaming would be a path to fame and fortune, and more that he wasn't exactly sure what else to do.
In February 2024, CaseOh sat down for an interview with Jynxzi, who knows exactly how hard streaming can be. CaseOh explained that right before he started streaming, he was in a dire financial situation. "Couple days before I started streaming, my card got declined at the Dollar Store," CaseOh said. "I just swiped the card, it got declined, I just ran out the store on them, bro. I didn't steal [anything], but I just ran up out of there because I was embarrassed."
At the time, CaseOh was working two jobs (in addition to streaming) and still struggling to make ends meet. When his "NBA 2K" streams started getting attention, CaseOh realized that he had a genuine shot at making it in the industry. At his mother's encouragement, he decided to make the jump into variety streaming to gain a wider audience, and the rest is now history.
He had to quit his first job when he was struggling
Before he was a big-time streamer, CaseOh was a working stiff like the rest of us. In fact, he was scrambling to make ends meet. CaseOh has talked with his viewers about the jobs he worked before making it as a streamer, even offering some advice to people who are going through hardships. CaseOh doesn't really buy into the "rise and grind" mindset. Quite the opposite: He's told fans not to waste their days at a job they hate, and to help make them viewers better about removing themselves from a bad situation, he revealed how he quit his first job.
After struggling to find work, CaseOh finally landed a job at a warehouse, only to realize that it wasn't a good working environment. First, he was denied overtime pay, even though he was required to work extra hours during his shifts (sometimes up to 12 hours per day). Then, when one of his coworkers walked out on the job early, CaseOh's boss told him he'd need to stay late to finish the extra work — with no additional pay. CaseOh said that he walked out on the job right then and there, because even though he needed money, he knew he needed a job that respected him more. "Life's too short to be miserable for an extended period of time," CaseOh said. Sometimes a tough experience can teach you a valuable life lesson.
His fans make fun of his weight
It's no secret that the internet can be a pretty mean place, and CaseOh certainly knew that when he decided to pursue streaming. CaseOh is a heavy-set guy, and that's something that his viewers almost immediately started using as fodder for jokes. If you tune into a CaseOh stream, you won't have to wait long for the chat to start filling up with jokes about his size. CaseOh has actually embraced the jokes — even playing into them to a certain extent — but they still have their down side.
Though some of the jokes are truly mean-spirited, many of them come from CaseOh viewers who are just trying to keep up with the community's unorthodox sense of humor. That said, they are so rampant that they've started to turn some of CaseOh's viewers away. Many fans have argued that although the jokes don't seem to ruin CaseOh's mood, they still contribute to a general feeling of toxicity on the internet that some viewers just can't stand.
CaseOh's a little uncomfortable with the sudden fame
Becoming one of Twitch's top streamers has completely changed CaseOh's life. Streaming helped CaseOh get into a better financial situation, and it's given him thousands of fans, albeit ones that sometimes make jokes in poor taste. For the most part, CaseOh seems to love the trajectory his life is currently taking, but some growing pains have come along with the sudden explosion in popularity.
While on Jynxzi's podcast, CaseOh opened up about how becoming internet famous has, at times, made his daily life a little uncomfortable. CaseOh never expected to become so famous that people would stop him on the street, but now he's one of the most recognizable faces on Twitch. CaseOh is from a small town, and that means it's pretty easy for people who know he's a famous streamer to find out where he lives. "I'll be on my back porch and see people driving by looking," he said, adding, "I know most people don't mean no harm, but it can be a little scary." CaseOh still feels like a regular small town guy, and he's still adjusting to being an internet celebrity.
CaseOh and his brother might have a strained relationship
One of the things that fans love most about CaseOh is he always seems to approach things with a positive attitude. Whether he's talking about his pre-fame financial issues or opening up about the stress of performing in front of thousands day after day, CaseOh typically has a smile on his face. On camera, CaseOh acts like he doesn't have a care in the world. That's why fans were surprised to learn that he might be dealing with some family drama in his personal life.
Before he was a famous Twitch streamer, CaseOh helped his brother Cody run a YouTube channel about gun ownership. CaseOh's fans eventually found the channel and started leaving jokey comments on old videos, but then Cody responded and implied that he and CaseOh are no longer on the best terms. In a now-deleted post (via Sportskeeda), Cody wrote, "I would love to ask him if he misses the quiet life away from the ball and chain of internet popularity, but he, unfortunately, doesn't associate with me or much of his family anyway." Cody went on to say that fame had changed CaseOh, though he also felt that his brother was suffering under the pressure of his fans and the constant comments from chat about his weight.
Over on Reddit, CaseOh's fans have debated whether or not Cody was telling the truth. Some have also theorized speculate that Cody's old, largely inactive account might have been taken over by a troll. CaseOh himself hasn't clarified the issue, so concerned fans are still left wondering.
Awards backlash stresses him out
Millions of people have tuned in to see CaseOh since he started streaming. His career blew up faster than anyone could have expected, and he's been getting recognized in all sorts of arenas. CaseOh was named Gamer of the Year at the 2024 Streamer Awards and received an additional nomination for Best Variety Streamer. Not even a full week after winning there, CaseOh was up for Content Creator of the Year at The Game Awards.
Sadly, CaseOh didn't get to totally enjoy his time in the spotlight. CaseOh was sad to see that his fans have a tendency to attack or troll other content creators when their favorite streamer is up for an award. "Everybody takes it so serious over a streamer award," CaseOh said. "Dude, the amount of garbage that I see on Twitter over people getting offended over people getting nominated for a streamer award is absolutely insane." The streamer expressed his frustration with people acting aggressively toward his fellow up-and-coming streamers, in particular.
Ironically, CaseOh ended up winning the Content Creator of the Year award that instigated this rant. He brought his usual level of positivity and optimism with his reaction to the winning, however, telling his fans, "No matter who you are or where you're from, you can wind up doing something you never thought possible." It seems pretty clear that he's happy to accept the awards, but the toxic reaction from people online dulls that joy just a bit.