Pokimane Fans Blindsided By Breakup News

Pokimane's fans feel like they really know her, largely because they've been watching her content since she arrived on the streaming scene in 2013, and partly because she's has always been pretty open with her fans. She's shared everything from regrets she has about her Twitch career to details about the harassment she's received from other streamers and shady industry professionals. Because she's typically willing to share the highs and lows of her life, fans this week were floored to learn that she's going through a breakup with a boyfriend they never knew she had.


After four months without posting on YouTube, Pokimane dropped a lengthy vlog on her channel on July 8. In the video, Pokimane shows off her new apartment and brings the camera along for a shopping trip with her friend. The video takes a turn when Pokimane sets up her camera in a park and talks openly about her breakup.

"Actually, speaking of love, I'm going through a breakup," Pokimane says with a chuckle. In the video, she explains that she usually tries to keep her romantic life out of the spotlight, which is why she's never talked about a breakup on camera before. Fans were surprised to hear confirmation that Pokimane had been dating someone, but as she got into the details of the breakup, they were even more shocked to learn just how serious the relationship had been.


Pokimane's fans are here to support her

In her vlog, the streamer explains what makes this breakup different and why she feels like sharing it with her fans is the right move for her: "When you're in your mid-to-late twenties, and when you start envisioning your life with someone, and speaking about marriage and kids and really being in that headspace and planning for your future, and then all of that kind of dissolves — you know, it's a lot to process." According to Pokimane, sharing problems with her viewers sometimes makes her feel better, and she wants her fans to know that if they're going through their own relationship struggles, they aren't alone. 


The comments on Pokimane's vlog were as supportive as you might think, with many telling her that they hope things are picking up for her after the breakup. Fans were obviously shocked to hear about the breakup, and a number of responses indicate that fans are hoping for more details — particularly the name of the mysterious ex. However, the surprise was mostly overwhelmed by their excitement about a new Pokimane vlog. Dozens of comments celebrated her return to YouTube, and plenty of fans said they want to see more content like this in the future. We might not know what's next for Pokimane, but it's clear that her fans will be there at a moments' notice.

