Feral Hog Memes Take Over The Internet

In the wake of last week's domestic terrorist attacks, one man took to Twitter to explain why he felt civilians should have access to assault rifles: roving bands of feral hogs.

"Legit question for rural Americans – How do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?" According to subsequent tweets from the Twitter user, William McNabb, these feral hogs have entered his 10-acre property four times due to the Arkansas rainy season forcing them to flee their normal habitat in search of higher ground. McNabb claims not to own an assault rifle, however, he points to neighbors who do, saying that the weapon has helped them face the horde of hogs.


McNabb's question, which reads like a veiled statement, came in response to a tweet by musician Jason Isbell, who criticized those arguing on the platform about the definition of an assault weapon. "You are part of the problem," said Isbel. "You know what an assault weapon is, and you know you don't need one."

The quandary about feral hogs has since gone viral, especially within the gaming community, a group often used by government officials as a scapegoat for the country's ongoing issues with gun violence. Andy Kelly of PC Gamer tested McNabb's theory, sharing a video in which he attempts to take on a gang of angry hogs with an assault rifle in what appears to be Far Cry 3. He eliminates a few of the hogs before the rest of the horde charges and takes him down.


PC Gamer writer Matt Elliott responded with his own take, attacking hogs with ballistics in Total War. "30-50 feral hogs are walking it, every time," commented Elliott. In the video, his soldiers' shots fly right past the enemy and their forced to withdraw as the hogs decimate the front line.

To be fair, wild hogs present a real problem that has had devastating effects on Texas and surrounding areas, such as Arkansas. Legitimate or not, the U.S. Department of Agriculture advises against McNabb's proposed approach when dealing with large groups of feral swine. As outlined in their "Methods for Managing Damage" ground shooting when more than a few hogs are present often results in more damage dealt over a greater area. 

According to the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, a group of 30-50 hogs, while possible, would be uncommon. "That's very large," said spokesperson Keith Stephens. "The typical size we see is usually less than 20." If such a horde set upon a property, Stephens encouraged Arkansas residents to contact his own organization or the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services rather than attempting to combat it themselves.

