Rainbow Six: Quarantine Gets A More Specific Release Window

Rainbow Six: Quarantine got a nice little roll-out at E3, but aside from an early look at the game, we didn't get much in terms of release information. That changed a little bit today.

The folks at Twinfinite paid close attention during Ubisoft's most recent investors meeting, picking up some key details about when we can expect Rainbow Six: Quarantine. The world was told the game would be coming out sometime in 2020 during E3, and that is still the case. But now we know that Quarantine will be releasing in the final quarter of Ubisoft's current fiscal year, which places the game's launch date somewhere in between Jan. 1, 2020 and March 31, 2020. 


And boy howdy, is that already a busy time for Ubisoft or what.

Gods & Monsters, developed by the studio behind Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, is set to arrive on Feb. 25, 2020. The massive-looking Watch Dogs: Legion, which promises to give us all the undercover assassin grandmas we can handle, releases on March 6, 2020. That doesn't leave much room for Quarantine, unless Ubisoft plans to start out the new year with the title. Based on past history – Siege released on Dec. 1, 2015 — that could be a real possibility.

Quarantine coming out in January would make sense from a numbers perspective, too. One would imagine Ubisoft wants to devote every ounce of its attention in the final quarter of the fiscal year to Watch Dogs: Legion, which is arguably the biggest game the company has on deck right now. It's releasing Legion on the first Friday of March, giving it plenty of runway that month to perform. And there's probably a bit of cross-over between the audiences for Quarantine and Legion, so Ubisoft might actually compete with itself by putting the two games out in close proximity. If Quarantine releases in January, Gods & Monsters could serve as a fine buffer between the two titles in February. And then Watch Dogs: Legion could have all of March to itself.


It makes sense, unless you were the one in charge of picking a release date for Titanfall 2. Then release them on the same day! Why not?

We'll likely get a more specific release date for Rainbow Six: Quarantine sometime in the next few months. We'll drop an update for you when that info comes in.

