Director Of The Division 2 Ponders A Single-Player Experience, Asks Fans To Weigh In

Could The Division series get a single-player game in the future? Fans are holding out hope now that the creative director of The Division 2, Julian Gerighty, has expressed an openness to the idea.

In a report from Game Rant, the site states that Gerighty received a tweet from a Division player about a game in the series being more single-player focused and story-heavy.


"I love the idea of a single player narrative driven spin off of @TheDivisionGame," the user said. "Focusing on an agent trying to get home to their family after being sent to NYC, during the SHD blackout from the fall of DC."

Gerighty must've been intrigued by the tweet, because he immediately shared it with his own following, asking, "Thoughts?" From there, hundreds retweeted Gerighty, thousands more liked the tweet, and many more responded with positive feelings about the idea.

"Apparently not something people are violently against," Gerighty tweeted later on, adding a smiley emoticon.

The Division 2 is a solid cover shooter but there's definitely work that can be done on the narrative side of things. The game's story is very barebones, and it just doesn't hold up when dropping players into a shared world with side missions and other objectives that can lead them off the beaten path. Without much of a narrative thread to tug on, you might honestly wander off for a few hours and forget the story entirely by the time you return to the main story campaign. And that's kind of disappointing, as we've seen a lot of MMO-style games get better with this, while The Division series has turned in a subpar story two games in a row.


Perhaps a game where the shared world elements are stripped out would allow for more time to be spent weaving an interesting tale. But we'll have to see whether or not Ubisoft actually goes down that road.

The Division 2 is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

