Yakuza 6 Actor Suspended By Agency For Alleged Organized Crime Link

Another scandal has rocked the Yakuza series, this time centered on Yakuza 6: The Song of Life. Actor and comedian Hiroyuki Miyasako, the talent behind supporting character Tsuyoshi Nagumo, has been suspended by his agency over an alleged link to organized crime. 


According to The Japan Times, Miyasako attended a party hosted by an organized crime group without consulting the company. Though the report did not identify the group in question, they are allegedly involved in money transfer fraud. Miyasako and ten other comedians accepted payment for their attendance. The Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. agency has since suspended them for accepting what they perceive as dirty money.

"Although (the comedians) were not aware it was a gathering hosted by an antisocial group, we still consider it a very serious matter that they accepted money from such a group," said the agency. Performer Shinya Irie, who brokered the deal, has had his contract cancelled.

In response to the news, broadcasters have cut the suspended comedians from scenes, substituted episodes, and put their shows on hiatus. This is the standard response for Japanese media, as demonstrated by the recent replacement of Judgement actor Pierre Taki


Following Taki's arrest for drug-related charges, Sega pulled Judgement from digital and retail storefronts. The voice and appearance of Taki's character were altered for the PlayStation 4 release of the game. Though the charges against him were dropped, Sega scrubbed Taki entirely from the game.

Sega could take a similar approach to Yakuza 6; though, this is less likely given the title's 2016 release. Should the game receive a PC port, the company may make edits for the new platform. If you want to experience the game with Miyasako's original performance, it may be wise to pick up a copy sooner rather than later. 

A PlayStation 4 title, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is available for purchase through major retailers.

