Anheuser-Busch Wants To Have The "Official Beer Of Esports"

The esports industry has experienced massive growth over the past few years. While it has yet to reach NFL levels of popularity, its dedicated fan-base has created a wealth of new marketing opportunities. Major companies like Coca-Cola, Red Bull, and Buffalo Wild Wings have already tapped into the burgeoning market, shelling out major cash for esports sponsorships. 


Besides the food and beverage brands, it seems the competitive gaming world may soon have an "official beer." Well, sort of. According to the U.S. Patent And Trademark Office's online database, Anheuser-Busch has filed a trademark application for the phrase "the official beer of esports." Based on a report from The Esports Observer, the company has also filed for trademarks on the slogans "the official beer of gaming" and "the official beer of gamers."

Anheuser-Busch started to corner the esports world earlier this year through a partnership with the Overwatch League. The deal which included sponsored broadcasts and events, made Bud Light the official beer of the league everywhere except China. It seems the brewer is not content with one sponsorship but wants to corner the entire esports market.


"This move to trademark 'The Official Beer of Esports' is another signal of our investment to connect with fans in this ever-growing territory," an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson told AdAge. They then stated that the company had "long been a supporter of esports."

Though companies can trademark any phrase, it's important to note that being the "official beer of esports" isn't all that official. "Esports" is a broad term used for the competitive gaming industry as a whole. The main benefits of Anheuser-Busch claiming the slogans come from brand exposure and a sense of exclusivity. If approved, the trademarks would prohibit other brewers from making the same claim.

The trademark applications have already sparked jokes in the gaming community. One Twitter user pointed out that the distinction "the official beer of esports" already belonged to Mountain Dew. Another quipped: "Can you trademark something that's demonstrably false?" True or not, it's a smart marketing move.

