Ninja Just Shared Great News With Fans After Cancer Diagnosis

Last week, Tyler "Ninja" Blevins stunned fans and colleagues with the tragic reveal that he had received a cancer diagnosis at age 32. During a routine trip to the dermatologist, Ninja was diagnosed with melanoma, a common but dangerous form of skin cancer. At the time, Ninja explained in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that his doctors had performed a biopsy on a concerning spot on his foot in order to determine whether or not they had managed to remove the cancer in its entirety. Ninja's fellow streamers reacted with messages of love and support in the immediate aftermath of this announcement, and it looks like all of that positive energy went to the right place. As of today, Ninja has confirmed that he is cancer-free!


The Twitch superstar and pro gamer once again took to X to share the latest update, explaining that he had a few different types of good news for his friends and fans. "Excision was successful with clear margins. Lesion biopsied nearby showed only mild atypia and was entirely removed with the biopsy," he wrote. In other words, the cancerous cells were entirely removed during his first procedure, and the other concerning spot on his foot was non-cancerous, despite some abnormalities. Ninja gave props to the people who reached out to him after the first post, saying, "thank you all for the prayers and kind words this last week. Love you all." 


Needless to say, this update came as a major relief to a great number of people. In the brief time since Ninja shared his clean bill of health, many of his fellow creators and fans have expressed how happy they are to hear that the cancer is gone for good.

Ninja's friends and fans react to the good news

Espors commentator and reporter Jake Lucky was one of the first to replay to Ninja's health update, simply saying, "lets gooooo." This sentiment was echoed by many others, including Twitch parter Wipz and content creator IcyVert, the latter of whom added, "happy to hear this!" CouRage, meanwhile, took the opportunity to really lean into how much of a win he felt this update was for Ninja and his loved ones:


Ninja's wife, Jessica Blevins — who happens to be the person who scheduled Ninja's potentially life-saving dermatologist appointment — also got in on the celebration. Like Ninja, Jessica expressed her gratitude in a brief but emotional post: "thank you all for your support and prayers throughout this. We are so relieved."

As for Ninja, he seems more than happy to get back to business as usual. Yesterday, prior to the great news, he told fans that he was getting back to his regular streaming schedule. This message was met with a great deal of excitement, though some cautious fans also told Ninja that he could take as much time as he needed to rest up and feel better before streaming. Sure enough, within a matter of hours, Ninja was back to blasting his way through "Fortnite," just as he should be. 


Thankfully for Ninja and his fans, it looks like everything is back to normal for the beloved streamer, but the last week has been a real rollercoaster for him and his fans. The streamer has encouraged people to get regular check-ups with a dermatologist, as that can often be the only way to catch a serious disease before it spreads.

