Destiny 2 Reportedly Moving To Steam, Could Go Free-To-Play

Some very big changes are coming to Destiny 2, if an accidentally published (and quickly removed) story from Engadget is accurate.

According to the story, which was screen-capped by Twitter user @chrisslaughter, Destiny 2 will be making the move to Steam in the near future. Frankly, that makes a lot of sense; Bungie and Activision axed their partnership back in January, and that reality means Destiny 2 likely needs to find a new home base on PC. Couple that news with reports that Destiny 2 is set to hit Google's Stadia streaming platform soon, and it appears Bungie is poised to spread its wings a bit and offer players more ways to play its game.


Which makes the next bit of news even more interesting.

That same Engadget story claims that Bungie is gearing up for a free-to-play future, offering Destiny 2 for free while charging for major expansions. Recent changes inside Destiny 2 certainly support that line of thinking; the game's Eververse store now sells more digital goods for real-world cash than it ever has before, and Bungie has been experimenting with offering expansions while still providing free seasonal content and events for those who don't purchase upgrades. It's very much the Fortnite model: there is the Battle Pass for those who want to pay up front and have rewards to grind for all season, free items for those who simply want to jump in and play, and a lot of cosmetics on sale that can be purchased at any time.


Bungie has certainly showed a lot of developers how to keep a live service game running. But it seems the studio has been learning some lessons from other games, too. The more accessible a game is, the more likely players are to make it a hobby. And the more likely they are to spend money on it as a result.

We're just hours away from Bungie's stream, and what initially looked like the reveal for an expansion suddenly has a whole lot more riding on it. Bungie even joked about it on Twitter, in effect letting someone know that there would be far more to see than just the expansion that dataminers leaked out. We'll be here for it, and we'll have all the details for you once Bungie's show wraps up.

