The Most Bizarre Gaming Records You Won't Believe Exist

Video games have always been a way to escape the everyday. And while suspended disbelief is crucial to enjoying games with a more bizarre premise, there are things even stranger than an octopus pretending to be a human father. Odd achievements are a staple of the gaming community, but what about real-life achievements? This is where The Guinness Book of World Records comes in. There are several world records that might make you scratch your head, but where gaming is concerned, things get even weirder.


While The Guinness Book of World Records contains the standard speedruns and high scores you'd expect from such a book, it also contains some things you'd never think of attempting to do in the first place. With everything from the most F-Bombs in a video game to the longest Minecraft tunnel on the PC, here are some of the more bizarre gaming world records.

The longest marathon for a dance game: Just Dance 2014

Gaming marathons have been popular since the first LAN party was set up. But for the most part, they involve a substantial arsenal of snacks, scheduled bathroom breaks, and caffeine. If these sessions ever involved a significant amount of physical activity, their appeal might be lessened just a bit. After all, with a few exceptions, gaming isn't usually considered very intense physically. But Carrie Swidecki, an elementary school teacher, decided to change that and raise money for a good cause while she was at it.


In 2015, Swidecki set the world record for the longest marathon on a Just Dance game. The game in question, Just Dance 2014, was one she had enjoyed for a long time. Over the course of her 138-hour dance marathon, Carrie earned $7,305 for the charity ExtraLife4Kids. And while her world record is impressive in and of itself, the fact that she used her love of gaming to earn money for a good cause is just as impressive. We can only hope she was able to take a few breaks during her attempt at the record.

The first MMORPG to accept orders for real-world items: EverQuest 2

Certain things just make sense together, like peanut butter and jelly. Pizza and gaming has always been a winning combination. This must have been the thought process that went behind Daybreak Game Company's decision to implement a pizza delivery service in their hit title EverQuest 2. The long-haul play sessions that usually accompany leveling up in a game like EverQuest 2 require fuel to keep player's going, but Daybreak may not have known it would lead them to a world record.


In 2005, the minds behind EverQuest 2 created a way for players to order pizza while playing their favorite MMO. By typing "/pizza" into the text bar, players would be linked directly to the Pizza Hut website, where they could have a pizza delivered to their house. The best part is that they could do this all without ever leaving Norrath. This innovative marriage of gaming and food earned EQ2 the Guinness World Record for the first MMORPG to accept orders for real-world items. While this may not seem entirely unique in today's world of microtransactions and DLC, it was ahead of its time in 2005. Hopefully one day all games will include a pizza delivery option.

The longest Minecraft tunnel on the PC: Minecraft

Minecraft is the perfect game for those who love to create their own worlds. Especially if they enjoy visualizing those worlds in the form of pixelated blocks. The endless creativity gamers have shown in their Minecraft creations is astounding. From entire recreations of environments from movies to incredible roller coasters that rival anything you can find at a theme park, the possibilities in this game are endless. This is why, when you endeavor to set a world record involving Minecraft, sometimes less is more. Unless you're ready to sink some serious time and painstaking research into recreating Game of Thrones entirely out of blocks, you might have better luck setting a simple record.


The "simple but effective" approach is the one that gamer ItzEpicGeorge took when he set out to secure the Guinness World Record for the longest Minecraft tunnel on the PC. In March of 2017, ItzEpicGeorge received the coveted world record when he created a Minecraft tunnel that was over 100,000 blocks long. This tunnel, if traveled at the average in-game walking speed, would take six and a half hours for a player to get from one end to the other. According to the official Guinness World Record site, the length of the tunnel ItzEpicGeorge created would be equivalent to the length of the island of Jersey in the English Channel. If that time commitment isn't proof of your dedication to Minecraft, we don't know what is.


The longest cutscene in a video game: Metal Gear Solid 4

Cutscenes can be a source of derision. For some, cutscenes are an opportunity to sit back and enjoy your favorite game in a more cinematic sense. For others, it's a waste of time that gets in the way of valuable gameplay and dumbs down the game by over-explaining things. Then of course, there's the unskippable cutscenes that seem to be universally loathed no matter which side of the fence you sit on. There's an expectation that these cinematic breaks will take a short moment to establish story or clear up confusion.


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots missed that memo.

MGS 4 has earned the Guinness World Record for the longest cutscene in a video game, and it definitely earned the title fair and square. The longest single cutscene is 27 minutes. At the end of the game, a series of cutscenes play out to explain what happened after the climax. When put all together, these cutscenes total 71 minutes of video. That's like an entire episode of an HBO show. And as much as you may love to watch cutscenes, the unexpected length of the concluding videos for Metal Gear Solid 4 may be enough to frustrate even the most patient of players.

The most fish in a game: RuneScape

One of the great things about gaming is how universal it can be. No matter what your interest, there's more than likely a game out there for you. While some gamers look for opportunities to strategize, others want a horror title that will keep them up at night. A big draw of many MMOs is the fact that there are multiple ways to play. Because of the open-world sandbox format, gamers can craft, quest, roleplay, fight, raid, fish, or just explore and complete their virtual map.


While many MMOs hold multiple world records, one in particular keeps racking up the trophies for some pretty bizarre things. In 2012, Runescape claimed a Guinness World Record that would open the gates to many future records for them: most fish in a video game. Considering the main focus of the game isn't fishing, this title is beyond impressive. More than 8 billion fish were caught in 2012 alone by the RuneScape community, with the creator of the game, Jagez, claiming that if you laid the fish head to tail, they would circle the world more than 20 times. With the record for the most prolifically updated MMORPG in 2017, it's no wonder that they continue to earn more and more records every year.


The first official video in Simlish: The Sims 2

The Sims franchise has been wildly popular since its inception in early 2000. The ability to control people, their environment, and every aspect of their lives is a unique prospect. Plus, who doesn't love to spend five hours creating the perfect Sim family and Sim house, only to never actually play the game? With the ever-rising popularity of The Sims has come the love of the silly and nonsensical language in the game, Simlish. EA Games has decided to capitalize on this by making music videos of popular songs, completely redone in Simlish.


Every great idea needs to start somewhere, and that's where the world record for the first video recorded entirely in Simlish comes into play. Singer and songwriter Lily Allen has the honor of being the first artist to have her music converted into Simlish. Not only did Allen jump at the opportunity to have her song Smile turned into a Sims music video, but she re-recorded the song in Simlish. This means that she had to learn her song in a new and completely made up language. EA Games released the music video for Smile in Simlish in 2007 with a Sim version of Lily Allen singing her hit song. Since then, the company has released numerous Simlish music videos, but the original will always go down as the record holder.


The most species of tree in a strategy game: Total War: Shogun 2

Video games have become more and more detailed and intricate as technology has grown. Those not in the gaming community often see games as merely entertainment. But the amount of time and effort that goes into the development of a video game is an impressive feat in and of itself. Developers take special care to include details many casual gamers won't ever notice. But these details are the things that make a game immersive. There's a reason the end credits of a game take so long to get through.


When creating Total War: Shogun 2, Creative Assembly wanted to make an environment that was as realistic as possible. Keeping this goal in mind, they studied Japanese art to make buildings, weapons, and mountains that would accurately simulate feudal Japan. In doing so, the developers were able to snag the world record for the most species of tree in a strategy game. With a whopping 80 different species in Shogun 2, it's no wonder this game feels immersive and real enough to transport players to another place and time.

The largest video game space battle: Eve Online

Raiding in MMOs can be visually overwhelming sometimes. The larger the battle, the more strain it puts on your computer and the servers. This is painfully evident when you show up to a battle you've prepared tirelessly for, only to find that the lag is so bad you can't tell if you're even engaged in combat. This might have been the experience some players had during the epic battle that took place Dec. 10, 2016 in Eve Online. This battle, which has quite literally gone down in the history books (or at least the book of world records), lasted six hours. At its peak, there were 5,337 active players engaged in the fight. And while most imagine that their in-game battle looks something like the final fight in Ready Player One, the reality is usually a bit disappointing. This is one instance where that's not the case.


Because of the high number of actively engaged players, this fight earned Eve Online the title of the largest video game space battle. Staged in the system of M-OEE8, players fought over the Keepstar Citadel, which had been contested for almost four months straight. With the Pandemic Legion's attacking forces outnumbering the defenders of Keepstar Citadel by 20 to 1, the defenders didn't stand a chance. But one thing that did live on is the record earned for this spectacular show of player participation.

The most swearing in a video game: Scarface

It's no secret that video game ratings provided by the ESRB are there for a reason. You wouldn't, for example, want your five-year-old picking up a copy of Grand Theft Auto 5 then coming to you with some very pointed questions about the birds and the bees. But even with content ratings on games, there are still levels of "mature" that vary from game to game. And though ratings are there for a reason, it's always helpful to stop by one of the numerous sites dedicated to breaking them down for consumers.


Scarface: The World Is Yours earned a particularly bizarre world record having to do with content ratings. This game, with its gritty realism and serious storylines, earned the Guinness World Record for the most swearing in a video game. Just how much swearing does it take to earn said title? Scarface contains 5,688 instances of the F-word throughout its story. To give some perspective, there are only 31,000 lines of dialogue in the entirety of this game. And of those 31,000 lines, the F-word appears 5,688 times. This doesn't even count other expletives found throughout the game which, we'd hazard to guess, are probably abundant as well.

The first person to complete Dark Souls 2 wearing a real suit of armor: Dark Souls 2

Gaming allows people to become something they aren't. Getting into character is a favorite aspect of MMOs, for instance. It's like a virtual trek to the Renaissance Faire without the expense of having to travel and pay for a costume. But even though MMOs may be the most popular type of game to engage in a bit of roleplaying, you can do it with any game ... if you try hard enough.


One guy earned an bizarre title for playing Dark Souls 2. The Dark Souls games are arguably some of the most difficult to complete at all, let alone while going for a world record. But streamer m_d_c_t (real name: Stephen Laflamme) managed to do both. Laflamme received the Guinness World Record for the first person to complete Dark Souls 2 while wearing a real suit of armor. He achieved this feat by playing in three-to-six-hour increments in-character as The Chosen Undead. It takes some serious skill to beat Dark Souls, but the added difficulty of wearing heavy and constricting armor means that this gamer might be the most skilled Dark Souls fan out there. On Oct. 15, 2018, Laflamme officially won the record he had been striving for. And somehow, this is the world record we didn't even know we needed in our lives.


The longest survival on a 6-star wanted level in GTA 4: GTA 4

It takes a certain amount of skill to push a wanted rating up to six stars in Grand Theft Auto 4. But it takes even more skill to survive for any amount of time after that level of infamy has been achieved. This was a task that gamer Henrik Lindholm was happy to take on and, in the end, he was rewarded with a Guinness World Record for his trouble. Of course he was probably also added to several government watch lists, but you win some and you lose some.


In April 2009 at the Copenhagen E-Sports Challenge in Copenhagen, Denmark, Henrik Lindholm attempted to stay alive during a six-star wanted level in GTA 4. In order to earn the world record, Lindholm had to stay alive for 16 minutes and 16 seconds. This was achieved through keeping calm and working out the perfect strategy. Because cars and other larger vehicles are easy targets for gunships, Lindholm made sure that he mostly stayed on foot throughout his run at the record. He made himself scarce and employed more of a stealth approach in order to keep off the radar of everyone looking for him. His strategy must have been exactly what it took to evade authorities for a respectable amount of time, since he took home the world record with ease.


The fastest one-handed completion of BioShock 2: BioShock 2

The BioShock franchise is an intricate web of creative storytelling, real-world science, social commentary, and fantastic graphics. A simple game to play, it is not. This is why the Guinness World Record earned by gamer BloodThunder is all the more baffling. BloodThunder has earned the world record for the fastest one-handed completion of BioShock 2. Though the fact that he played the game on his PC does make the logistics of this record a bit more doable, it's still mind boggling that he was able to complete the game at all with only one hand, let alone do it quickly.


Between the need to use Plasmids, equip and fire weapons, walk, interact with objects, and check your corner for any disgruntled Splicers, just completing this game with only one hand is a record all on its own. This feat is particularly impressive when considering the segments of BioShock 2 where you need to protect your Little Sister against the hordes of Splicers that attack in endless waves while she gathers ADAM from the corpses that litter Rapture. But somehow, he managed to complete the game in only 1 hour 53 minutes and 51 seconds. That's a level of skill most can only hope for. BloodThunder can be found on Twitch, where he streams many of his one-handed gaming sessions. With his skill, it's almost certain that more records are in his future.


