Fortnite Launches Endgame, An Avengers-Inspired Limited Time Mode

Fortnite is rolling out a brand new limited time mode today, just in time for the release of Avengers: Endgame. And it sounds every bit as cool as we'd hoped.

The mode itself is, rather appropriately, called Endgame. And from the looks of it, it is vastly more ambitious than the Infinity Gauntlet mode Fortnite featured in honor of last year's Avengers: Infinity War. For starters, it pits a team of heroes against a team of villains, rather than challenging everyone to defeat the one Thanos roaming the map. And Thanos isn't the only powerful being in the game anymore, as various Avengers items are scattered about, granting players special abilities upon finding them.


On the hero side, you can acquire a Captain America shield and take on Thanos and his Chitauri army, or find another Avengers item and go into battle using that. On the villain side, claiming an Infinity Stone will transform someone into Thanos, causing both Thanos and his Chitauri allies to become more powerful. Each team has an objective to complete, with the heroes looking to eliminate Thanos and his Chitauri, and the opposing villain squad looking to obtain all of the Infinity Stones.

And of course, there is a bunch of Avengers-related loot to chase, like this Black Widow outfit Epic is featuring on its website.

This mode sounds insanely fun, and could entice those who've otherwise sworn off Fortnite to come back and take part. It does away with the central premise of Fortnite: Battle Royale, instead inviting players to assume the role of a good guy or a bad guy in the Avengers universe. And really, this is where Fortnite is at its best.


Fortnite is a fantastic sandbox for partnerships like this one. It was a game, after all, that didn't start out with battle royale in mind. We've seen since its launch than it can offer a wide variety of experiences, whether themed with a license in mind or for holidays like Halloween and Easter. And when Epic really shakes things up, we get cool new modes like Endgame.

More of this, please!

Fortnite's limited time Endgame mode starts today. There's no word on when Endgame will, uh, end.

