EA Access May Finally Arrive On PlayStation 4

Did Sony have a change of heart? A Brazilian Reddit user has shared an image that's awfully interesting, according to Push Square, because it shows a link to EA Access in the PlayStation Store. You know, the EA Access that Sony said wasn't a "good value."


So far, it appears that this one Brazilian PS4 owner is the lone soul to catch a whiff of something early. We haven't seen any other people in any other territories share similar news.

It would make sense for EA Access to make itself at home in the PlayStation ecosystem. Last month, EA let loose that it planned to offer a subscription service "on another major platform," and really, how many are left? The Nintendo Switch doesn't really have enough going on in the way of EA titles to make an EA Access subscription worth it. That would leave the PlayStation 4, which has since added downloadable PlayStation 4 games to PlayStation Now, and thus has a very Game Pass-like service that wouldn't be far off from what EA Access provides.


Of course, there exists another possibility, though it seems a bit less unlikely due to the "another major platform" wording. EA offers something called Origin Access Premier on PC, which basically charges customers a little more money to gain full, day-one access to any and all EA titles like Anthem. We suppose EA could be planning to expand on the Xbox One side of things and start up something like an EA Access Premier. But that feels a little more iffy than EA Access simply coming to PlayStation 4, where it would significantly increase EA's reach with subscriptions.

We hope, for the sake of PS4 owners, that Access is heading their way. It always seemed a bit nonsensical that Sony didn't find value in EA Access giving consumers a slate of games for $5 a month or $30 a year, especially as the company allows Square Enix to charge a $13-a-month subscription for Final Fantasy 14.

We'll keep you updated should we hear more.

