Lady Gaga Could Have A Role In Cyberpunk 2077

Here's something you probably didn't expect to read today. French website ActuGaming is reporting that Lady Gaga, easily one of the world's biggest pop stars, has been seen at CD Projekt Red, and actually participated in a motion capture session for the studio behind the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077.


Naturally, there is speculation that Lady Gaga could have some kind of role in the futuristic title, and this is one of those instances where such a move would make total sense. Lady Gaga, if nothing else, is known for her always-changing, sometimes off-the-wall wardrobe, and we're sure she's performed in something straight out of the Cyberpunk universe at one point or another.

And Lady Gaga has some acting chops, too! You can point to A Star is Born as a more recent example of her branching out into that world, but Gaga actually spent some of time in the American Horror Story series, too (and won a Golden Globe for it in the process).

Finally, we're starting to learn that Lady Gaga loves video games. She devoted many of her tweets toward the end of last year to Bayonetta, which she was playing through at the time. And not missing a beat, both Nintendo and Bayonetta director Hideki Kamiya tweeted back to offer her support.


There are any number of reasons Lady Gaga could've been seen spending time at CD Projekt Red. She could have just been visiting as a fan (one of the perks of being famous). She could be contributing a song or two to the game's soundtrack, even. But doing mo-cap, too? That steps things up a bit. We wouldn't be surprised one bit if Gaga somehow makes her way into Cyberpunk 2077 as a character in some way, whether she's part of the narrative or is simply playing the part she knows best — a performer.

Unfortunately, we have no idea when we'll know for sure. Cyberpunk 2077 has no release date as of yet, but should we hear more about it, we'll let you know.

