This Might Be What Google's Game Controller Looks Like

A potential design for a Google-made game controller is public after a patent filing by the company. And thanks to an artist's rendering, we now have a better idea of what that controller might look like (via TechRadar).


Designer Sarang Sheth of Yanko Design took a look at the patent drawings and decided to bring Google's gamepad to life. As you can see in the image above, the controller has just about everything you'd expect. There are two joysticks — a must these days. There's a d-pad. There are four face buttons. There are two menu/contextual buttons. There are four trigger buttons (two on each side). And there's a large circular logo that itself acts as a button.

In true Google form, however, there's one extra button — one with a microphone icon that would likely be used for voice-powered search.

The controller design itself is nothing to write home about. It's a bit too blocky for our tastes, and gives us way too many Ouya vibes. Amusingly, the Ouya platform made use of Android, while Google's newest gaming endeavor, Project Stream, taps the internet as a delivery mechanism in order to stream games to players.


And speaking of Project Stream, there's a good chance we'll be hearing more about it very soon. After a fairly successful test run a few months ago, Google (and presumably Project Stream) is scheduled to have a presence at the Game Developers Conference in a little over a week. Google's made no secret about its desire to get into the video game space, and it's probably necessary for the company, as competitors like Microsoft and Amazon are either dug in or are spinning up gaming operations quickly.

We just really hope the final gamepad design doesn't look anything like Sarang Sheth's excellent render. Project Stream performed shockingly well — it would be a shame to pair that impressive streaming tech with this potato of a controller.

