GTA 6: Lucia's Ankle Monitor Theory Explained

"Grand Theft Auto 6" fans have a wild theory about Lucia that ties directly into the game's map. Arguably one of the most-wanted games of all time, "GTA 6" has been the subject of numerous theories, even prior to its early December trailer reveal. In the first look, viewers are introduced to one of the main characters of "GTA 6," Lucia. While the trailer keeps plot details relatively slim, it does confirm that Lucia has had some significant encounters with the law, so much so that she ended up in prison. We're not sure why she's in prison, but the trailer also showcases her on the outside of the penitentiary, engaging in typical "GTA" behavior like robbing convenience stores and driving fast cars. 


One leading fan theory about Lucia actually stems from the promotional poster that Rockstar debuted for "GTA 6." In the one-sheet, Lucia is seen sitting the hood of a car with her arm around the male protagonist. The character is seen wearing an ankle monitor, which implies that she was recently released from prison and is having her location constantly tracked by the authorities. Some "GTA" fans think that, by virtue of Lucia having an ankle monitor, she'll be limited to certain areas of the Vice City map in the game's opening hours. "I think this [game] will again have a map limitation. Why? Because Lucia is wearing a police ankle tag in the released promo art," wrote Reddit user u/RudraRousseau on the r/GTA6 fan subreddit. They're not alone in this belief, either.


Fans think the ankle monitor theory has some weight

The ankle monitor theory has considerable weight, since it's a practical way of restricting Lucia's movements early on in the game. Previous entries such as "Grand Theft Auto 3" and "4" have limited where exactly players can go, separating key boroughs and sections into islands. "It would ... be a fun way to be restricted, because we could go beyond the limit but immediately get chased by the police," wrote Reddit user u/gatinoloco. "Smarter than putting physical limits to our movements." The fifth "GTA" game notably let players explore the larger map from the get-go, but it's possible that Rockstar Games may go back to its roots and lock certain areas behind story progression or other campaign milestones.


This theory also plays into the rumor that the map in "Grand Theft Auto 6" is massive enough to encompass an entire state, and not just a cluster of cities. In other words, players will most likely be seeing a whole lot more of Leonida than simply Vice City and the surrounding beaches and swamps. Some fans are under the impression that Rockstar has recreated the whole of Florida within the game, or at least a very large chunk of it. If that's the case, Lucia may indeed end up leaving the city limits as soon as her house arrest is over (or they find a way to disable the ankle monitor). Again, there is evidence within the footage release thus far that seems to suggest this could be the case.

GTA 6's first trailer might be purposefully misleading fans

Lucia notably doesn't have seem to be wearing the ankle monitor in most parts of the "GTA 6" trailer. This could imply that, eventually, the protagonist will free to go wherever she likes. If that's the case, then fans might be right about the game working in an in-story excuse for map limitations. 


Of course, just because she's missing the ankle monitor in these shots, that doesn't mean she won't be on a tight leash for a good portion of the game. As pointed out by some fans on Reddit, there's no telling which part of the game contains the footage pulled for the trailer. Rockstar could be playing fast and loose with the game's timeline in the marketing materials.

Much like "Grand Theft Auto 5," the game might open with a heist gone wrong, showing how Lucia ended up behind bars and under observation. There's also the possibility that she'll get arrested partway through the game, and then given the ankle monitor. In that case, it may be up to her male counterpart to run errands while she's under house arrest. Of course, players won't know for sure if their movements will be limited until they play "GTA 6" when it hits consoles in 2025. Until then, players will no doubt continue arranging and rearranging these various screenshots of Lucia and her ankle monitor on their conspiracy boards.


