We Might Already Know The Stars Of GTA 6

December 4 was a whirl of activity for "Grand Theft Auto" fans. First a low-quality rip of the trailer for "GTA 6" leaked, then Rockstar swiftly responded by dropping the real trailer. "Grand Theft Auto 5" and its memorable cast of characters arrived more than a decade ago, but it and "GTA Online" have kept the series very much alive through multiple console generations. Fans will still have to wait a while longer before playing the new game, which is set to release sometime in 2025. 


The wait might feel like forever, but at least we can spend that time speculating about what to expect in "GTA 6." Some ideas are purely wild fan theories, but there are some parts of the game that we might be able to predict a little more reliably. For instance, it looks like "GTA 6" will have two main characters, Lucia and a man possibly named Jason (according to leaks). The duo are apparently in a Bonnie and Clyde-style relationship of love and crime, which will no doubt call for a pair of charismatic actors to bring the story to life. While Rockstar Games still hasn't confirmed their involvement, there's some reason to believe that the voice actors behind the characters have already revealed themselves. Here's who the gaming community has bet on as the voices of the latest "Grand Theft Auto" protagonists.


Dropping hints and starting rumors

The massive "GTA 6" leak in September 2022 provided a ton of fuel for fan speculation, some of which has turned out to be right. That leak gave fans their good looks at the two protagonists, with a lot of the leaked footage focused on Jason. A little more than six months later, a post from actor Bryan Zampella drove fans wild.


Zampella posted a photo of himself staring off into the sunset at a beach. In the picture he's wearing a white tank top and a backward baseball cap, which just so happens to match the outfit Jason's wearing in the "GTA 6" leaks. The actor's involvement had been rumored for quite a while, so fans immediately jumped to conclusions upon seeing this picture. Of course, Zampella and Rockstar have never confirmed these suspicions, leading a vocal section of the "GTA" fanbase to believe that Zampella is just trolling people.

Then, in the wake of the "GTA 6" trailer drop, another voice actor started playing coy. Right after the trailer debuted, actor Leslie Lluvet (perhaps best known to gamers as Zenya from "Far Cry 6") posted two pictures of a Miami sunset on her Instagram story. Lluvet had previously been suspected of being the voice actor for Lucia after fans dug through the "GTA 6" leaks and found a strange codenamed project on Lluvet's resume. For many, these Instagram stories just strengthened the theory that she's in the game, despite the fact that Lluvet has denied any ties to "GTA 6." Though the evidence seems to be mounting, an official voice actor announcement still eludes us.


The Troy Baker theory

Ever since the first "GTA 6" trailer dropped, a new casting rumor has emerged. Some fans think that "Grand Theft Auto 6" might have drafted one the industry's most in-demand voice actors to take on the role of Jason: Troy Baker of "The Last of Us" and "BioShock Infinite" fame. Though Jason says very little in the first trailer, a number of fans on social media feel that those rugged tones sound quite similar to Baker's performance in "The Last of Us." As one Redditor put it, "[it's] either the sweet voice of Joel Miller acted by Troy Baker, or someone is doing a pretty spot on impersonation of him." Others have pointed out that Troy Baker has previously posted photos of himself on social media in full mo-cap gear, but has avoided telling fans exactly what he's been working on. Is it possible that one of the biggest VAs in the biz has been secretly involved in one of the biggest games of all time, right under our noses?


Not all fans are convinced, with some pointing out that even though the line reading in the trailer might match Baker's voice, additional dialogue heard in 2022's Rockstar mega-leak doesn't quite hit the same tone. As of this writing, neither Rockstar Games nor Troy Baker himself have weighed in on the rumor. Still, if you're looking to bring some gravitas to the latest "Grand Theft Auto" game, you could do a lot worse than a guy who's voiced both Batman and the Joker.

