The Hidden MrBeast Video We Won't See Until 2025

Jimmy "MrBeast" Donaldson recently revealed to fans that he's saving something extra special for longtime viewers: a video that won't be released to the public until 2025. The content creator has been hard at work building his brand over the last several years, going from simple "let's play" videos to extravagant multimillion dollar challenges and stunts. As it turns out, MrBeast apparently set some very specific goals for himself in his early years on YouTube — but fans have to wait a couple more years before they find out what those exact goals were.


On October 5, the YouTuber revealed the existence of this hidden video to his followers on X (formerly Twitter). MrBeast explained, "When I had a few thousand subscribers I made a video predicting how many subscribers I'd have in 10 years and schedule [sic] it to manually go public in 10 years." Fans will finally get to see what the young MrBeast expected when the clip is officially posted on Oct. 5, 2025. Naturally, his subscribers have had a field day with this reveal. According to the thumbnail shared by MrBeast, the video is only a little over three minutes long, but the hype is nonetheless quite real.


MrBeast fans can't wait to see his 2025 prediction video

MrBeast's post discussing his 2025 milestone video quickly blew up as followers shared their thoughts on his hidden clip. Many have commended the YouTuber for having the foresight to make such a video, while others have announced their intentions to make their own time-capsule-style videos to manifest good things for the future. Several commenters have tried to guess how many subscribers MrBeast predicted having in the future, with some believing that he never could have guessed just how huge his channel would become. A few followers did the legwork of calculating how many subscribers MrBeast has gained each year since he started making content, showing the exponential growth of his channel and predicting that he'll easily eclipse these figures by 2025.


While some fans are surprised to discover that MrBeast has made a video that will remain secret (for now), most of his followers know that the YouTuber likes to plan ahead. In fact, he revealed earlier this year that he's considered making a video to release in the event of his untimely death. This newly revealed video is just the latest sign of MrBeast being several steps ahead of his competition.


