Sunset Overdrive Apparently Coming To PC On Nov. 16

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The saga of Sunset Overdrive on PC continues, this time with a new Amazon listing for the title that appears to give away the release date. If this Amazon page for the game (via DualShockers) holds true, you can look forward to playing the PC version of Sunset Overdrive on Nov. 16. Yes, that's this Friday, and that's very soon.


We continue to be dumbfounded at the way this announcement has been handled. Because, well, there hasn't been an announcement. Sunset was rated in a few different regions, had some of its details show up in Steam's database, had its achievements appear in the Microsoft Store, and now has a rather official-looking Amazon page (albeit, with some annoying typos). And, by the looks of it, the game is coming out in a few short days.

But no one has said anything about it. And that's just weird.

There's been no word from Microsoft, which originally published the game on Xbox One. There's no word from Insomniac Games, the developer. And there's no word from THQ Nordic, which appears to be publishing the PC version of the game — at least, in some parts of the world.


Even stranger yet is that Microsoft just had a huge event where an announcement for this game would've made sense. Sunset Overdrive is one of the best exclusives available on the Xbox One. And there's every indication in the world that it's coming to PC. How doesn't that get even a few minutes at a festival dedicated to Microsoft and gaming?

Perhaps this is part of someone's master plan, and there's something even bigger in store for Sunset Overdrive's PC release than anyone is letting on. But seriously, time is running out if the game is truly arriving this week.

Should Sunset hold to that Friday, Nov. 16 date, you can pick it up — at least from Amazon — for $19.99.

