Cheeky Microsoft Contest Features 'Red' Xbox One X

Do you want a red Xbox One X to, say, celebrate the monster release of Red Dead Redemption 2? Microsoft has what you're looking for, though the company can't exactly say it.

In a blog post published today, Microsoft pulled back the curtain on a contest that includes, among other things, a strikingly red Xbox One X. It's a move designed to help the company draw a bit of attention to itself and the fact that the Xbox One platform also has Red Dead Redemption 2. But Microsoft's hands are a bit tied when it comes to promoting the game alongside the console, so the company had to get creative.


It seems Red Dead Redemption 2's marketing rights live with Sony and its PlayStation 4. Which is why you can find the game being sold as a bundle with that platform, and why PlayStation owners get early access to some Red Dead content. Microsoft can't really do anything similar, so it's running the contest for the red Xbox One X, which also includes two red Xbox One controllers, 12 months of Xbox Live Gold, and $100 in Xbox Store credit.

Perhaps you could use that $100 to buy Red Dead Redemption 2?

Believe it or not, this isn't the first time Microsoft has tried to skate around one of PlayStation's exclusive marketing deals. Back when Destiny first launched in 2014, Microsoft found itself in a similar position. It wanted to let gamers know that they could also purchase Destiny on the Xbox One, but it couldn't promote the game.


So Microsoft decided to advertise a cologne instead. And that cologne just happened to be called Destiny.

Microsoft's red Xbox One X contest is set to run through Nov. 16, 2018. But even if you don't plan to enter, you can still play Red Dead Redemption 2. The game released today on PlayStation 4 and — yes — Xbox One.

