Former IGN Editor Filip Miucin Reemerges, Apologizes

Filip Miucin, the former IGN Nintendo editor who lost his job following allegations that he plagiarized his review of Dead Cells, has been laying low for the past few months. His Twitter account hasn't been active since early August, when the scandal first took hold. And aside from an ill-conceived video that, of all things, challenged Kotaku reporter Jason Schreier to dig up more dirt, Miucin's YouTube channel has been silent, as well.


Yesterday that silence came to an end. Miucin published a video about a Bluetooth audio accessory for the Nintendo Switch, and with it, an apology. Well, a sort-of apology.

"In the past several weeks I have learned a multitude of hard lessons that continue to remind me of my missteps, and the steps that I need to take in order to make things right," Miucin wrote in a pinned YouTube comment. "I would like you to know how truly sorry I am. I apologize to everyone personally affected, as well as the entire gaming community."

Many in the video's comments section showed up to offer support.

"Welcome back. Have missed your videos. Everyone deserves a second chance," wrote Kalend Gardner. Another fan, OoWINDEXoO, added, "We forgive you bro, only haters will keep the hate in their hearts. You lost your job, you paid the price, now it's time to come back strong!"


But not everyone is ready to forgive and forget just yet.

"I think you need to do an apology video. A real one. Not the deflecting I did nothing wrong one you had enough sense to take down," stated YouTube user Nertak. And others echoed this sentiment, with users like Ben Wolck writing, "So it's totally ok for someone to make the same 'mistake' over and over again ON PURPOSE and not really admit it but instead give 'hollow' PR-like apologies? Yeah, that sounds legit."

It's worth noting that Miucin has not directly apologized to any of the outlets he allegedly plagiarized from. Nor has he specifically admitted to plagiarism. But a few months removed from that frenzied period in August, Miucin at least feels comfortable enough to go back to work on his YouTube channel, which was fairly popular before he took the job at IGN.

Where things go from here? That remains to be seen.

