Best Buy Is Selling Empty Cases For Starlink On Switch

Theft is a reality of retail. It sucks, but if you buy a video game, whether it be online or in-store, there's a chance that someone might remove the disc or cartridge from the case before you can even get your hands on it. In this instance, though, theft might not be the answer. Instead, those purchasing the Nintendo Switch version of Starlink from Best Buy might be on the wrong end of a really big mistake.


According to Polygon, a whole bunch of gamers who've bought Starlink: Battle for Atlas from Best Buy are getting the package without the game inside. The issue appears to be exclusive to Best Buy, and limited solely to those buying the Nintendo Switch version of the game.

Reports of missing Starlink cartridges first crept up on video game forum ResetEra, later spreading to Reddit.

Polygon also notes that several reviews on the Best Buy website make mention of the game being missing from the package. But amazingly, when Polygon reached out to Best Buy for comment, the retailer stated that it hadn't heard about a single incident of missing cartridges.

Ubisoft is apparently aware of the issue, issuing a statement that asks players to contact the company's customer support team. But aside from that, there's no word on what exactly Best Buy or Ubisoft will do to help buyers get the games they bought.


Starlink: Battle for Atlas is available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. But Nintendo Switch fans in particular have flocked to the title thanks to its inclusion of several Star Fox characters, as well as a few Star Fox toys that can interact with the game. Reviews for the game — which released on Oct. 16 — have been mediocre so far, with Destructoid calling it "a good game that's robbed of greatness by a lack of ambition and terrible toys-to-life implementation."

