The Witcher's Geralt Voice Actor Reveals Scary Health Diagnosis

Before Henry Cavill and Liam Hemsworth, there was Doug Cockle. Since 2007, Doug Cockle has lent his extraordinary voice to the legendary monster-slayer Geralt of Rivia in CD Projekt's "The Witcher" trilogy and subsequent spinoffs. For "The Witcher" fans, he is Geralt of Rivia, making it difficult to imagine anyone else ever voicing the role in the future. Fans still hope that he will return to the role for the next highly anticipated "Witcher" game. However, amidst the continuing excitement surrounding the upcoming game, some upsetting news has struck the "Witcher" community. 


The voice of Geralt recently announced that he is currently in treatment for prostate cancer. Although prostate cancer is a life-threatening disease, Cockle wrote that he is optimistic and things are going well for him. This announcement didn't come out of nowhere, however, as Cockle's heartbreaking revelation was made in the name of raising awareness of the disease.

Doug Cockle announces cancer diagnosis

Recently on Twitter, Doug Cockle told fans that he has "full blown prostate cancer." He wrote that he was blindsided by the news, with his diagnosis coming during a routine checkup. Although Cockle was sparse with the details, and has yet to follow up with more clarification, he stated, "Treatment [is] ongoing but looking good so far." Cockle urged all men over the age of 50 to get tested for prostate cancer ASAP, so they can catch the disease before it progresses too far.


Cockle's shocking post was made in response to a tweet from the nonprofit organization Prostate Cancer UK, which is putting on a campaign to bust some myths about prostate cancer. Like Doug Cockle's own post, the nonprofit noted that because prostate cancer can be symptomless, many people have no clue they have it. Because of this, the nonprofit also urges middle-aged men to get a PSA test, the blood test that screens for prostate cancer. Concerned people can also take a 30-second risk assessment test to see if they should be concerned about prostate cancer.


Although it's upsetting to learn that the voice of everyone's favorite medieval monster hunter is dealing with such a serious health issue, fans can take comfort in to knowing that he remains in good spirits and that treatment is going well. Hopefully Cockle will recover soon and get back to bringing joy to his millions of fans who can't get enough of Geralt's signature growl.

