You've Been Using Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom's Octoroks All Wrong

"Tears of the Kingdom" has fixed this one aspect of "Breath of the Wild" that annoyed many fans of the "Zelda" franchise: It allows players to fix their weapons. In fact, there are many abilities (like Link's Recall) that vastly improve the gameplay. However, the game largely leaves things for the player to discover themselves, which has meant that some aspects of the game are relatively easy to overlook. Players may get distracted torturing Koroks, building monstrosities thanks to Link's fusion ability, or simply exploring the gigantic map. Indeed, fans might not realize that there is an entirely different way to upgrade their weapons — one that doesn't rely on Link and his new Ultrahand abilities at all.


What's that? A way to repair most of Link's weapons and add attack bonuses, all in one go? All without using Link's Ultrahand or Autobuild or hunting down objects to attach to weapons? Yes! But there's a catch: Link needs to use Octoroks in a truly unhinged fashion to do so.

Upgrade weapons with Octoroks

No, Link doesn't need to kill Octoroks and attach their body parts to his weapons to get an attack bonus and remove any damage they've suffered. Instead, he has to — well — feed the weapons to the Octoroks. Yeah, don't ask.


How to do this? Simply have Link run up to the Octorok, dodging its fiery attacks, and throw a weapon at it — bow, sword, shield, anything will work. Hightail it out of there and wait for the Octorok to suck up the weapon. It will then spit the weapon out all fixed up and with an added buff. There are various buffs that will be added, which also means that there's no guarantee of what Link will get. Those who have extra patience (or at least a very strong preference for a particular buff) will want to save before they toss their weapon to the Octorok. This way, if they don't get what they want, they can reload and try again. And again. And maybe again. Unfortunately, Link can't just feed his weapon to the same Octorok over and over again. This trick only works once per Octorok. 


It also doesn't work with amiibo weapons — so players shouldn't waste their time trying to buff up the Fierce Deity Sword (one of the best amiibo rewards in the game), as it simply won't add a buff or repair it.

