Markiplier Reveals Stunt Injury From Shooting His New Film

Markiplier is certainly staying busy at the moment. Between streaming his regular content and creating an Emmy-nominated interactive series, the prolific YouTuber is also finding the time to make a theatrical movie of his own. The movie business can be tough, however, and Markiplier recently discovered that while filming. While streaming earlier this week, Markiplier updated fans about his various projects and answered some questions. Among the questions was whether the star was performing his own stunts for the movie. As it turns out, the answer is mostly yes — and Markiplier even sustained an injury for his efforts.


Although the YouTube star currently appears to be recovering nicely, he did acknowledge that he experienced considerable back pain as a result of performing a particularly challenging stunt. Despite the injury, Markiplier is still in good spirits and very positive about the future of the movie. Further, the story of his injury seems to demonstrate just how committed he is to the film. 

Markiplier injured his back over multiple takes

Markiplier explained during his recent stream that he performs "the vast majority" of his own stunts in his upcoming film, but one particular stunt posed a serious challenge and took a physical toll on him. While he didn't reveal any specific details about the stunt or the scene in which it occurs, he did say that fans will recognize which one it was when they see it in the movie.


What's surprising is that Markiplier chose to go through with the stunt even after a stunt double did a test run and reported that it was, indeed, a painful endeavor. Knowing that a professional found it challenging, Markiplier still committed to doing it himself, even going through it multiple times.

It seems that Markiplier went through the stunt at reduced intensity at first to get a feel for it and, as the intensity increased over multiple takes, he realized how much it hurt. Looking back, Markiplier laughs at the injury and seems quite proud of himself for sticking it out. As he explained, "I basically told the stunt coordinator, it's not an ego thing, I just, I would never want to put someone through something that I wasn't willing to go through myself."


Markiplier is no stranger to scares, but stunt injuries sound like a new experience for him. He may be sore and tired from all his work, but it sounds like he's extremely proud of the work being done on the film and excited for fans to check it out.

