Adin Ross Is Officially Moving On From Twitch

Adin Ross has had enough of Twitch — and now he's found a new home. The streamer's break from the Amazon-owned platform has been brewing for quite some time, finally coming to a head in the last month when Ross claimed to have been threatened by a Twitch representative. According to Ross, Twitch has grown weary of his antics and issued an ultimatum: "If you keep doing controversial stuff and you keep saying certain things... We're gonna have to take you down indefinitely."


This didn't sit well with Ross, who wants to have the freedom to stream whatever he feels like. And so, he decided to begin streaming on Kick, a platform with considerably fewer content restrictions. The experience was apparently liberating for Adin Ross, who has experienced more than one Twitch ban for his content. And now, in a parody video posted to YouTube (which is decidedly not safe for work), it seems Adin has decided where he wants to stream from now on. If you found yourself a bit confused by the resulting sketch, we've got you covered.

Adin Ross riffs on LeBron James in announcement video

Warning: The above video contains strong language.

In the video, Ross is seen surrounded by an eager crowd as he's asked a series of questions about his life and career. As the clip continues, Ross gets interrupted before he can complete a full thought or answer any of the questions leveled at him. As things get progressively out of hand and the swear words pile up, the "interview" comes to a close and a title card reveals that Adin Ross is coming to Kick full-time.


The clip is obviously a parody of "The Decision," an ESPN special from 2010 in which LeBron James announced his intentions of signing a contract with the Miami Heat. Luckily for fans, Adin didn't draw out his own decision like the original special did. Fans commenting on the clip clearly got a kick out of it (no pun intended) and will be checking out Adin on his new platform.

It remains to be seen if Ross will ever return to Twitch full-time, nor how Kick will serve him in the long run, but the streamer appears to be having a lot more fun on the latter service already. During his debut stream on the platform, he watched and commentated on both the Super Bowl and some adult content, just to test the waters.


