The Division 2's Latest Update Temporarily Broke The Game

Online action role-playing game "Tom Clancy's The Division 2" has been plagued by issues pretty much since it hit shelves in 2019. Not only was the game full of annoying bugs at launch, but it also had little content to offer players. Additionally, the first big content update only came around after a lengthy delay, further frustrating fans and causing its player count to plummet. But over time, "The Division 2" developers have made attempts to redeem the game by squashing some of its most annoying bugs and providing players with healthy content updates


Despite all this, gamers continue to complain that the game is prone to crashing, and things have just gotten worse for the embattled shooter. This week, the team at Massive Entertainment ran into a problem that forced the developer to slightly delay the rollout of the game's next season of new content. But when the developers went in to fix the issue, they essentially broke the game, ensuring that the new season would be delayed even further.

Ubisoft can't update the game

According to "The Division 2" team's Twitter account, an unspecified localization issue kickstarted the investigation, which unfortunately brought a new error to light. Because of this error, Massive Entertainment "cannot update the game until this system has been rebuilt." For a brief period of time, not only did Massive have to put the new season on hold, but the team was also unable to extend the current season's activities to tide fans over.


Gamers weren't pleased with this news, to say the least. One user wrote that they decided to uninstall the game due to this latest problem. Others found the situation funny, poking fun at the ironic fact that the developers broke the whole update system in the midst of fixing an update.

Luckily for players, the devs were hard at work on this issue for a few days before making the announcement, and in the afternoon of February 10, the team revealed some good news. Although Season 11 is still delayed, the developers have "created and deployed a server-side update," which will keep Season 10 content running for the time being. It may not be the total fix that fans had hoped for, but at least players won't be twiddling their thumbs until the launch of a new season.


The team behind "The Division 2" has promised to compensate players for the inconvenience, but it's unclear what form this compensation will take.

